how to break an addiction?
  • aslafoo aslafoo 12mo ago 100%

    i haven’t seen this meme, it’s pretty funny, thank you low-key made my day better

  • how to break an addiction?
  • aslafoo aslafoo 12mo ago 100%

    i used to pick at the skin on my face as well, it wasn’t much of a body image issue thing in my case but still it was way more convenient and entertaining then focusing on boring class for example thank you for responding and my heart goes out for your friend i hope they’ll find their peace and feel better thank you again and have a lovely day

  • how to break an addiction?
  • aslafoo aslafoo 12mo ago 100%

    thank you for response i’ll try my best to be more “conscious” of my habits hopefully i’ll get myself together and make it

    congrats on breaking your addictions! maybe it’s not my place to say it but hell you should be proud of yourself cause this shits hard congrats again and have a great day :)

  • how to break an addiction?
  • aslafoo aslafoo 12mo ago 100%

    thank you for taking your time to respond i’ve never considered a foot rasp before but maybe i should really give it a try thank you again have a nice day

  • how to break an addiction?
  • aslafoo aslafoo 12mo ago 100%

    thank you, i really needed to hear that i’m aware my “habit” probably stems from my anxiety, but it’s really hard to simply not be anxious all the time yknow? thank you for taking your time to respond have a lovely day

  • how to break an addiction?
  • aslafoo aslafoo 12mo ago 100%

    hi, thanks for reply that’s what i was afraid of

    to be honest i started medical treatment with antidepressants around 3 years ago, 2.5 of which i spent speedrunning the entire pharmacy lmao in June this year i changed doctors and finally got on track (with venlafaxine and mirtazapine)

    on top of that i started therapy in September i’ll try to bring up the skin picking again

    i talked about this issue with my therapist earlier but despite my efforts i always end up relapsing so yeah thank you for thorough reply have a nice day

  • hey i’m not sure the title is accurate but i couldn’t think of anything better basically i’ve been struggling with skin picking for my entire life it started small picking some overhangs and scans around my nails at 6 nothing too serious as years went by it evolved into pretty severe skin picking, where i wasn’t able to go a day without making a lesion and recently (like in the past year) the habit developed into full blown dermatilomania i keep on picking to the point where my lesions can’t heal properly the worst of it is i started picking skin on my heels to the point where i can’t walk properly anymore and when i do it causes me a lot of pain it catches up to me in the evening when i’m bored i’ve been advised to “occupy my hands with something” but what nobody seems to get is that it’s something i do absentmindedly i’m not sure what to do anymore does anyone have similar experience or am i beyond help at this point ? have a nice day
