Antiwork/Work Reform

Hi Everyone! We have some new rules to follow here. Please read below. Also, we added some new mods. Myself (, and The Doctor ( The new rules are in the sidebar so everyone can see them on mobile, apps, and desktops. ::: spoiler Intoduction BarterClub I'm one of the new mods here on Antiwork. A bit about me. I'm form the US, and in a union. Also, I go to college to finish my Degree. I have had a lot of different jobs where I have seen horrific management being done. I want to have everyone I know to get in a union so we can start to have the upper hand. If you ever need anything please feel free to reach out to me or the other mods. ::: c/Antiwork Rules 1. Instance Main Rules The main rules of the server instance be enforced stringently. 2. No spam or reposts + limit off topic comments Spamming posts will be removed. Reposts will be removed with the exception of a repost becoming the main hub for discussion on that topic. Off topic comments that do not pertain to the post at hand may be removed if it is deemed they contribute nothing and/or foster hostility at users. This mostly applies to political and religious debate, but can be applied to other things at the mod’s discretion. 3. Post must have Antiwork/Work Reform explicitly involved Post must have Antiwork/Work Reform explicitly involved in some capacity. This can be talking about antiwork, work reform, laws, and ext. 4. Educate don’t attack No mocking, demeaning, flamebaiting, purposeful antagonizing, trolling, hateful language, false accusation or allegation, or backseat moderating is allowed. Don’t resort to ad hominem attacks against another user or insult other people, examples of violations would be going after the person rather than the stance they take. If we feel the comment is uncalled for we will remove it. Stay civil and there won’t be problems. 5. No Advertising Under no circumstance are you allowed to promote or advertise any product or service 6. No factually misleading information Content that makes claims or implications that can be proven false or misleading will be removed. 7. Headlines If the title of the post isn’t an original title of the article then the first thing in the body of the post should be an original title written in this format “Original title: {title here}”. 8. Staff Discretion Staff can take disciplinary action on offenses not listed in the rules when a community member's actions or general conduct creates a negative experience for another player and/or the community. It is impossible to list every example or variation of the rules. It is also impossible to word everything perfectly. Players are expected to understand the intent of the rules and not attempt to "toe the line" or use loopholes to get around the intent of the rule.


Hi guys! I'm looking for moderators for this sub. Roles of moderators will be: 1.) Responding to reported posts/comments. 2.) Creating and maintaining rules for the community. 3.) Creating and maintaining megathreads. 4.) And some other things. About me and this community: I'm not the right person to moderate this community and I need people that are deep into the topic of antiwork/work reform, are willing to help in organising this sublemmy and giving it a direction. After getting moderators for this sub I will stay as a head mod for some weeks or maybe months to see how things develop and if moderators that I have choosen are doing things properly. Maybe we could even implement a way for choosing and demoting mods democratically but I'm not sure how that would even look like. If the community decides to do things democratically then I will probably have to stay as a tool that will be demoting/assigning mods when community decides so. To the people that want to apply for a mod postion, start your comment with "mod application" or other obvious keywords that will let me know that you are trying to apply and not just comment something. In your application please include your background and relationship with this movement and how you would like to help it move forward. Please avoid writing too short applications, make them long enough for us to learn more about you. Thank you!


If you are lurker please help us grow the community by commenting and posting interesting on topic quality info/discussions so we can attract more people and make this community more interesting to spend time on. ✌️ Previous milestone: I will be soon opening the recruitment for mod team to better manage this community, stay tuned!


I was promoted, but told I will be paid 17% less than the average for my new position. Instead they gave me a bunch of stock options, which I don't care about. They said this was because of the current economic market and didn't have the budget for it. I am pissed. I am supposed to sit in meetings and lead projects with all these other dudes (I am a woman) and be paid less for it. On top of that my company is rubbing salt in the wound by making us all sigh a diversity and inclusion pledge. I am all for diversity and inclusion, but maybe ... ACTUALLY DO IT instead of just pledging it. I immediately sent out my resume and applied to several jobs because fuck this. But the more I think about it the more I think about how cushy this job is and how chill my manager and team is. I get unlimited PTO that is actually unlimited, we almost never get called when on call, I get to work on whatever I want and work whatever hours I feel like, plus it's fully remote. My team has good rapport and I like working with them. So here's what I'm thinking, if I work for 83% of the pay I work 83% of the hours. So I am thinking of bringing this up with my manager and requesting that I am given 1 day off a week since that would be 80% of my current schedule. I value time off and getting to work on what I want over money, even if they are being sexist trash. I will accept their sexism at the rate of 3 day weekends every week lmao. I don't want to fuck up things before I find another position though, so I'm not sure when to bring this up or if it's even worth trying.


Been at this company for 4 months as a data engineer. When I started their codebase was a mess. All the code was in one folder with subfolders, the scripts were dependent on one another even if they didn't share the domain problem, their version control was "call the IT guy to grab the backup". In the first few months I set up a Github organization for them, put all their code into a git repo to start version control, got them to install and use IDEs instead of just VS Code, refactored some of the codebase to use SOLID standards, automated some tasks, transitioned them to a new Snowflake warehouse, and fixed several issues that was breaking their workflow. Today the CEO told me that this is an at-will state and he let me go. Didn't explain why, just asked for the equipment back. I didn't get any write-ups, no one complained about my work, I was always looking for improvements, even the CEO thanked me a couple months ago for writing a word document to my managers on how I think the team can make improvements. They actually followed that doc and have been happy with it. This came from nowhere because no one brought any complaints. Today I am lost. I just need to vent and let this out.


avoid burnout! quit your job!



I sympathize with the barista here, but mindset that customers need to cover 10 to 20% of his income is symptom of decades of brainwashing of employees and customers alike. In this case NPR is part of this brainwashing. I will not tip someone for doing their job. I will only tip when I feel it is needed based on the service provided.


Original title: Stop thinking tenure gets you promotions — it doesn't. A former senior leader at Amazon explains what actually works. I don't understand today's companies that don't recognize their longevity in their employees. When they hire someone to do a job, it's at the current hiring rate. Looking back at history, my grandparents went to work for the same company that their parents worked at. My parents only worked for 2-3 companies during their professional careers. I have only a handful of employers that fills my resume. Yet, my children need to change jobs every 2-3 years in order to ensure that they are making what they are worth. There are only so many reasons why today's worker will stay at the same company for longer than a few years: belief in the company/product/cause; comfortable life; fulfilling job; or feeling stuck in the situation and unable to move to better opportunities. Per the article, "To get a raise or promotion, you're going to need more than tenure — you're going to need to create additional value or increase your scope of work." The they go on to state "For example, if you're currently paying $50 for someone to mow your lawn, you wouldn't likely be willing to pay that person $60 to do the same job, simply because they've been mowing your lawn for the last three months or the last three years. This is because they didn't provide you with any additional value." Unfortunately this just doesn't ring true to me. If I hire a new lawn person each time, the cost of the job goes up, even though it's the same lawn. It should be the same of the employers. If it would cost more to hire a new employee to do the same job, then the pay rate should rise too. Maybe I have a tainted view of the situation. The company I work for is very formulaic about pay. Every job has a defined pay scale with a defined start and end point. Every year, the company reinvests in it's employees equally. Everyone from the lowest and newest employees to the CEO all get a pay raise on the same date at the same percent. In addition, the pay scale also moves to acknowledge the face that it would cost more to hire someone new, yet seniority earns you just a bit more. If this years annual increase is 3% per person, then the pay scale (cost to hire someone new) will go up by 3/4 of that rate, 2.25% increase. We also perform regular audits to make sure that we are at/above median pay for the surrounding area. There are no lowball starting wages. There are also no merit raises because the company believes that you are performing your best every day. What do you think? Should you get paid more to stay longer at a company or should you have to demonstrate how you've provided a significant increase in value to the company? Or do we need to follow in the footsteps of the younger generation and job hop to to the next company that will pay us today what we're worth, stagnate, then job hop again?




Support the workers! This will help a lot: * [Donate to the strike fund]( * Publicize and solicit more donations.


‪Inigo Montoya has joined the picket line 😊‬


This banger. CEO-to-worker pay ratio went from 20-to-1 in the 1960s to about 400-to-1 now. Back in the 1980s when it was 58-to-1 you could still have a decent middle class life working at the grocery store.... #workers #workreform


Unhappy with the speed at which human workers prep avocados, Chipotle has introduced a robot to get the guacamole going. The fittingly named Autocado (sigh) won't do all the work, however. It's an avocado prep machine that can cut, core and peel an avocado without the need for human hands but the rest of the mashing and seasoning process will continue to fall to Chipotle employees. As anyone who's made guacamole can tell you, getting the good stuff out of an alligator pear is definitely where most of the prep time is spent, and Chipotle said its new prototype could halve that labor investment. Chipotle said the entire process of making a batch of guacamole takes approximately 50 minutes, but didn't specify how much of that time is spent prepping individual fruit. Chipotle isn't calling it automation, however - it insists Autocado is a "cobot," or collaborative robot, that'll allow employees to focus on more important tasks. "The intensive labor of cutting, coring, and scooping avocados could be relieved with Autocado, but we still maintain the essential culinary experience of hand mashing and hand preparing the guacamole to our exacting standards," said Chipotle Chief Customer and Technology Officer Curt Garner. Autocado, made by food industry automation company Vebu in partnership with Chipotle, can reportedly handle up to 25 lbs (11.3 kg) of avocados in a load. The machine moves and preps avocados, one at a time, depositing fruit in a stainless steel bowl, with peels and cores being dumped into collection bins. Vebu said it eventually wants Autocado outfitted with machine learning and sensors that can evaluate the quality of each avocado in a bid to quantify waste reduction and improve efficiency. To be clear, these capabilities are planned for future Autocado iterations, meaning humans are hopefully still responsible for quality checks on the avocados before loading them into the machine. Want some robo chips to go with that auto guac? Autocado isn't the only way Chipotle is waging war on time sunk into appetizer prep. Early last year the company announced "Chippy," a machine that "integrates culinary traditions with artificial intelligence to make tortilla chips," the company said. Unlike Autocado, Chippy handles the entire chip-making process from masa to final seasoning and is even designed to replicate human inconsistency in salting and lime distribution. "To ensure we didn't lose the humanity behind our culinary experience, we trained Chippy extensively to ensure the output mirrored our current product, delivering some subtle variations in flavor that our guests expect," said Chipotle VP of Culinary, Nevielle Panthaky. Chipotle has since integrated Chippy into one of its restaurants in Fountain Valley, CA, where testing is ongoing. So, will saving half the prep time translate to free or reduced-price guac when or if Autocado gets beyond the prototype stage? Sorry: The company told The Register that it intends to maintain the same pricing for the green stuff. As for whether it plans to fully automate the guac process, à la Chippy, Chipotle told us that "maintain[ing] the culinary experience" is essential, and as such it'll continue to hand mash its guacamole "to our exact standards." But all it took in 2022, to go back to Panthaky's description of Chippy last year, was the right AI "to ensure we didn't lose the humanity behind our culinary [chip] experience." By that measure, Autocado could certainly evolve given the right code. Chipotle told us it sees additional uses of automation in other food prep areas, as well as dish washing, which are two areas it said store employees have expressed interest in. The company also sees future roles for AI assisting managers by, for example, calculating how much food the store actually needs to prep for a day to cut down on waste.


So I've spent a bit of time over the past few years trying to reason my way trough society breaking away from our capitalist overlords. Let me try to summarize some of my thinking as simply as possible; you start a second economy, one founded using Blockchain technologies and algocracy, with an utter focus on human welfare and ensuring resistance to tampering and unjust accumulation of power and wealth. You siphon the global population over to this new economy effectively stifling the old economy where the totality of the 1%'s wealth resides and is therefore rendered worthless. The above is by no means a complete summary and there are a bunch of other concepts loosely associated with this such as environmental sustainability, transhumanism, degrowth, fostering small communities etc. I've written about DACs, one of the components of the above here:


Only the richest of the rich can afford a $0/month budget. For her senior project, art student Zou Yaqi wanted to highlight how much surplus the rich really have. To do this, she documented her attempt to spend three weeks traveling around Beijing sleeping on the couches of luxury hotels and enjoying complimentary hors d’oeuvres. All for free. [article]( / [mirror](


At our weekly stand up my boss always says he's working on "HR stuff". I only ever see or hear from him in team meetings. Wtf do these people even do that justifies their high salaries?


cross-posted from: > I found this gem of a job posting for an "executive admin/systems integrator" and thought it was worth sharing. Enjoy. > > Edited for easier readability. > > > "Are you tired of your Boring, unfulfilling, limited career and know in your heart you have no real future there? > > No advancement, no room to grow, no incentive to Prove yourself and show what you can do? > > Are you looking for a true long-term career with a friends-and-family team and a culture that rewards genius, creativity, intelligence, leadership, loyalty, performance, Hard Work, and has endless room for you to grow? > > Are you looking for a role where you can use your Admin/Organization/Management skills to have a Huge impact on a small fast-growing 14-person real estate investment and construction team? > > Most importantly, would being Critical to the success of a small organization's massive expansion plans give you a huge sense of personal satisfaction, even beyond just the pay and recognition? > > Are you a tech-savvy, forward-thinking, highly-organized, super detailed, semi-perfectionist who loves to work hard with a fun team and achieve extraordinary results > > If you can say Yes to all of these statements above, then this is absolutely the Now Hiring ad you've been looking for! > > We are a high-volume Real Estate Investment, Construction, and Realty company and we are the largest buyer of direct-to-seller homes. > > Our goal is to buy 15-25 properties every single month, and to facilitate that goal, and our expansion efforts, we are hiring for a few great people to join our team. > > We currently serve the Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus markets, and we're actively expanding our operations into Louisville, Lexington, and Indianapolis in the future. > > We are 6 quality A+ hires away from making this a reality, and the Operations Admin/Integrator is one of the top key hires we need, hence this job ad :) > > As a high-level Admin here, you'll be in charge of big tasks and solving big problems. This is not entry-level, this is most definitely for someone who is smart and who can solve big problems. > > There are literally over 100 moving parts in Real Estate just to buy and sell a single house. It's chaotic at times for sure. We aren't even achieving 1/2 of our real potential right now which means there's a ton of room for you to come in, lead our growth as part of our core team, manage the people, systems, and details, find permanent solutions to big problems (no bandaids here!) and implement systems, tech, organization, and other skills/solutions that will truly impact the team, our clients and customers, and our bottom line. > > I can't stress enough: If you are used to the organization and structure of a larger company that has very well defined systems and processes and you can only flourish in a role like that...this is 100% NOT for you. > > Here, it's truly a hectic and chaotic, disorganized mess! > > Between my Lyme disease and health issues, and a few employees in the past that are no longer with us...we have 30-50 BIG things to fix to enable our growth and expansion. > > This is only a fit for you if you feel confident in your ability to do just that: Fix big things, and if you LOVE being a very important key player and you get a ton of satisfaction from doing that. > > Our office is different than most, so we try to be transparent. Between my health and only being able to operate at 30% of my capacity, you won't have clear instructions on very much of anything. You'll have the goal, the requirement, the resources, and you'll be pointed in the right direction...but you'll absolutely have to be the sharp and intelligent person that puts that all together, organizes it, systematizes it, trains others on it, and then moves on to the next problem to fix. > > With RAPID speed. > > The position is "Advanced Admin," but it can also be best described as Integrator. Like the Gino Wickman books "Traction" and "Rocket Fuel" describe, an Integrator is someone who can look at a complex goal the CEO wants to achieve, create a Simple system that is easy for others on the team to follow, implement it into standard daily practice, and then watch the team to ensure it is getting done and following those procedures. > > Even after you do it, how do you hold others on the team accountable? By consistent daily action, consistently tracking KPIs, continued reinforcement, motivation, encouragement, help, and being a resource. > > Every successful company does this. And this is what we need you to do for our team. > > This is how companies grow, how team members pull together to achieve amazing results, and how a business scales to achieve results greater than anyone could ever imagine! That success is all found in creating, implementing, and managing repeatable systems and processes. > > And it requires someone with the right brain who Loves doing this type of stuff to do it. It has to be their true "Zone of Genius", as we each have one. It requires someone who can hear what the CEO's Vision is for the company and for our future, and can then break that Big vision down into small repeatable actions that are done on a consistent basis so that each member of the team knows their role, their purpose, and how they contribute to that bigger vision. > > Do you Truly have those skills? If so, you will be invaluable here at our company and will love working here more than anywhere you've ever worked. You'll also grow and expand with our organization and advance to a Senior Leadership role quickly with all of the raises, perks, bonuses, and profit share to match! 6-figures is absolutely doable for this role in year 2-3. > > We are honest and transparent 100%. It's currently chaotic, stressful, crazy, disorganized, and a complete Mess most days. That's just the nature of a growing company, especially with a Visionary boss who has Asperger's Syndrome and sees the world in black and white. (Google that so you know and understand, it's VITAL that you do). > > While the office is currently like this, by hiring You and the other 5 I mention above, we do not want to say the same in 3-6mo. We want to look back and be absolutely Amazed at our growth and how much we've improved in that timeline. We want growth with calmness. Simplicity. > > More fun team events. A happy and amazing culture. More community service and outreach. More charity donations. Better tracking. Better systems and organization. Better CRMs and software. All of that is in your purview to solve and you'll be given all of the tools, freedom, latitude, resources, funds, support, ideas, and brainpower to Solve it. It's a heck of a big challenge - are you up for it? > > Just as the book "Who Not How" says, you'll be given the high-level Vision for what we want to achieve, and then be turned loose to achieve it! You'll have to be amazing at taking things from idea and concepts to implementation and simple systems. > > You will have a Ton of autonomy and discretion on how to achieve these goals. We want to empower you to make Big decisions and trust that you'll make the right ones. Once you learn the ropes you'll be turned loose and will absolutely not be micro-managed. We want competent people who can figure things out without the roadmap laid out for them. > > Today the CEO bought a 46-unit apartment building and spent $1.9MM. Which means....he has to focus on his Zone of Genius just like every other employee. He can't be busy finding Copiers and setting up marketing when it's not his job role to do so. > > So what does the day-to-day really look like? > > Well, as I said, we buy 15-25 houses every month. That means our job is really customer service to the highest level. We work with dozens of clients every month and ensuring we create win/win scenarios for them is what it's all about. > > You will work with an entire host of people; Homeowners, Title Companies, Lenders, Realtors, Vendors, Supply stores, Insurance agents, Utility companies, Handymen and Construction trades, and many more. These are people's moms, dads, brothers, sisters, daughters, etc., and we care about how you represent us and how you interact! > > We certainly have huge ambitions to grow, and we are never shy about the fact we love to make a ton of money for our team! But our Vision goes way beyond making money for our company. > > We want to make a true difference in the lives of the property owners, clients, construction crews, and others we work with. We want to support our First Responders and have a "give back" day every single week where we donate free dinner to them. We currently support 4 different Animal Shelters and Charities and we want to do even more there. > > Massive success provides the ability to give back, to help others, and to do more! And it all starts with massive success. You'll hear this often in our office, especially on the stressful days when the boss is being impatient...because he very much is goal-oriented and focused on finding ways we can do more for our team and others, and the fact it's a slow process often leads to impatience. > > Our CEO retired in 2015 and was bored in 3 months and immediately got back into business full-time. He absolutely Loves real estate, loves this team, and loves what we do every day - otherwise, he wouldn't do it! > > He only wants to work with people he considers friends and family and the culture and performance are of the utmost importance. If he's mad at a problem, it's because he's laser-focused on the future, on growth, and on solutions....and problems are annoying! The better you are at avoiding and solving problems, the more heavily you'll be rewarded here. > > I think I've spoken enough about the company, the role, the atmosphere, the goals, the mission, the Vision, the heart, the core values, the growth potential, and the expansion plans. Let me now quickly get into the nitty-gritty details: > > ***Pay and perks:*** > You'll have a starting base salary of $50-55K DOE. From there, you'll earn bonuses, profit sharing, and other rewards based on your personal and collective team performance. This will equate to a total pay package of $65-75K your first year. We will give you more than enough opportunities to shine, advance, move up and prove yourself. The rest is entirely on you! > > Hours: Our office is formally open from 9a to 6p Monday through Friday. There are certainly some later nights, and certainly some tasks to do after hours sometimes, or a weekend task, etc., but we do not come into the office on weekends at all, ever. > > You'll need to have this flexibility in your life for this to be the right fit. After all, we have to perform for our clients when they need us. And while this is 95% contained within the hours of 9-6, there are certainly times we have something important. > > Some days are 602p, and some are 632p. Heck, last night was 705p randomly on a late night with an important team meeting. If you have something that prevents these hours from being 100% consistently doable, please do not apply as it won't be a fit. > > If the role and requirements sound intimidating, well, that's understandable. It does require someone super talented for sure. But keep in mind, the CEO and several other team members are RE industry veterans and you'll be provided a ton of resources to help. The CEO is in some of the top REI Masterminds in the USA and he can get solutions to literally any problem we face here. Your part is taking over from there and actually implementing and getting it done correctly! > > ***Other perks and benefits:*** > > 401K with match after 6 months > Bonuses, raises, rewards, profit sharing, and a ton of small thank yous in various forms > 6 months from now, we will have 2 AirBNB properties in Nashville and Palm Beach, FL you can vacation to for Free every year! > Paid sick days > Paid vacation > Paid holidays > Birthday parties, team lunches, networking events, and a ton of fun! > Compensation: > $65,000- $75,000 yearly total with bonuses! > > ***Responsibilities:*** > > Learning and Managing all of our systems within our CRM, Dropbox, MS Office, Google Suite, Adobe, and more. Being tech-inclined is 100% required here. Learning other new tech and systems to help organize our office and streamline our processes. > > Taking advanced concepts directly from the CEO and turning them into easy-to-follow repeatable systems and processes that you implement, manage, track, establish KPIs for, and train the team on. > Team and Client Management. > > HEAVY phones and email work. Must absolutely love talking on the phone and be able to efficiently solve problems, from talking to super happy clients to solving issues for disgruntled clients. > Obtaining 5-star reviews on all of our review platforms for every deal we do! > > Leading Morning Huddles for 15 mins and ensuring everyone is focused on their highest and best use each day! Don't worry; we'll let you get comfortable for several weeks before this is required :) > > Implementing the methods and processes to facilitate our planned growth and expansion, whether this is hiring more help, creating a simpler system, finding a software solution, or any other need to achieve the goal. You'll be part of finding the talent, interviewing, onboarding, and training new hires. > > Able to mentally handle large volumes of data and classify, manipulate within Excel or Google Sheets, and track. Able to create systems in other software to manage, organize, and track our business. > Able to get on the phone and call specific targets for information and achieve the result (which often means being persuasive!) It may be negotiating a lease, negotiating a new office, talking to a broker, getting us $50K in new insurance, buying a company vehicle, booking very detailed travel arrangements for team members, etc. Detail and precision are vital! > > Understand secrecy and privacy. Not only is your job here very private and restricted to the top management level folks on the team, but I always keep my personal life private as well. You must be a Vault with information and respect and maintain that privacy. For example, you'll work with IRS, Tax Authorities, Workers Comp, BWC, and Payroll software. > > Must understand that everything in our office is Sales. Every role, in some way! If you're in actual sales, you're negotiating prices on homes. If you're our transaction coordinator, you're seeking to maximize the sales price of a home while saving money on fees with our title company. If you're in our marketing department, you're negotiating in bulk on our direct mail and other marketing channels. If you're in the rehab department, you're negotiating with contractors, material suppliers, etc. It will be required and will be frequent. And the better you do, the more you'll shine here and bonuses are a commonplace thing for your efforts and skills! Seeking out the best deal on everything and saving money is how we save tens of thousands every year! And that doesn't always mean the lowest price at all - it means the best value for what we want. You'll negotiate shipping, insurance, vehicle insurance, supplies, and materials for marketing, cards, data providers, copiers, etc. > > Monitor inventory and keep supplies ordered and stocked. > > Maintain vehicle maintenance logs for fleet, get the oil changed, and fuel vehicles. > > Manage and organize schedules, including 1-2 direct reports that you efficiently organize their day and tasks. > Establishing procedures, tracking and monitoring KPIs, creating and updating the KPI dashboard, and having a logical and critical thinking brain to spot problems within those KPIs that need to be solved. > > ***Qualifications:*** > > Being very good at written and verbal communication. Able to Wow our clients, find and onboard new vendors, handle the occasional disgruntled client, etc. > > Experience using Microsoft Office in all facets. > > Excellent communication skills, time management skills, interpersonal skills, and organizational skills. > > At least 3+ years of experience as an Executive Assistant, General Manager, Team Leader, or experience performing the above tasks and functions in Some verifiable form. > > Experience handling confidential information and adhering to strict deadlines. > > Heavy tech experience, tons of different programs, and modalities. 60+ WPM typing speed > > Real Estate, Mortgage, Construction, or Title Experience is always helpful, but not required. > Marketing and Sales experience is super helpful, but not required. > > Great at creating systems, procedure manuals, recording videos to show trainees how to do something, and an easy ability to make our clients, vendors, contractors, coworkers, etc., like you and enjoy talking to you and spending time with you. > > Able to keep up! Seriously. This is no easy feat. You have to be sharp, intelligent, witty, and fun. I am always happy to help, but you're here to help me have more time so I can't be spending too much time showing you very basic stuff. I'll expect you to be well above the basics, and for anything else specialized to learn, there will be resources for it, other employees, and myself for specific things. Youtube and Google are often your friends, and you must be great at learning from both. > > > I've said a Lot in this ad, and by now, you should 100% know if this sounds amazing or terrible LOL! We've hired wrong in the past, and we're truly spending the time to find the RIGHT hires. Our culture here is very much a small friends and family team, and we have to keep that above all. My 2 best friends work here, my brother Dan works here, my mom stops by 3x per week and does our mail, etc. > > If you've read All of this and you know for sure this is the career you want and you know you can Crush it here, then fill out the application, fully apply here and take the DISC test, and send me a resume and cover letter. > > In that cover letter, tell me WHY you're definitely the Admin we need here and must interview and hire right away. Out of all of those who will apply, why are you the one? Please also mention where you came from as I have job ads up in several places including recent FB posts. > > If you are being sent this link from one of my FB posts, please reply back afterward to my email/FB where you originally found this and let me know you finished it so we can give you top priority :) > > And if you haven't already interacted with me via email/FB, if you want to rise to the very top of the pile, my name is Bryan and I'm the CEO here. I'm not at all hard to find online. If you want to move straight to the top of the pile....find me online, on FB, by email, whatever.....and reach out! > > Say hello, and do your convincing there. In many ways, that extra effort is exactly what will mean the difference between you excelling here and failing out entirely. > > I hope you're the person we're looking for, and if so, I truly can't wait to have you here as part of our team and family :)"