Empowering people to do the impossible

If you need/want to know how something works. Ask about it here and when an in-depth analysis is found (or made just for you) get linked.


This is documentation on a research team's attempts to make DIY integrated circuits. It's still in the very early stages, but I'm putting this here just in case they make progress.


We already have open source software, design, devices. Perhaps the time has come for open source social business? Collectively developed, publicly available and cooperatively implemented business models? When the purpose of a business is to meet social needs, with care for the planet and fair wages for working people, there is no reason to compete. So we can jointly develop business ideas and support each other in implementing them. What do you think?


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/13231381 > I was thinking a lot about how design patterns are useful solutions to certain classes of problems. I went spelunking online and found this from a Wikipedia page lol. Hope it proves helpful for community activists!


Soooooooooo I'm baaaaack Lol Here are some resources I managed to find on Telegram Solarpunk DIY Repository: https://t.me/solarpunkrepository This is a list of pdfs about a lot of useful community organizing things. It ranges from farming to engineering to community organizing, food preservation, socoology and social services, etc. Hope you all find it useful!


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/2537986 > >The goal of this project is to gather strategies, skills, disciplines, technologies, ideas, designs and critical thought in an effort to help prepare communities big and small for a time of great upheaval, an era of collapses (plural). It is not a submission to 'The Collapse' and nor does it seek to romanticise an end times. Within this frame, individual-centered survivalist and prepper cultures are not encouraged, while we identify that both hold much that may be of use to communities facing tough times.


Short version, it is slow and potentially more expensive than hiring professionals


Doesn't work against fully autonomous drones but should limit remotely controlled ones.


A good farming wiki I found. It will be helpful because it will help us learn how to grow plants.


Each Guide is based on specific environmental conditions and growing practices, and ranked for compatibility with you and your gardens.


I was thinking about this a litle bit. If we are enabling bootstrapping, shouldn't we do it in such a way where all the materials are easily acceesible to people? I haven't fully thought this out, but could one way to self sufficiency be through organic chemistry and plastics engineering? Likw think about it. Plastics can be made in a variety of ways and styles, woth different properties, not to mention they can easily be formed from carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc, all of which are very easily accessible. I can acknowledge that there are a lot of risks, such as filtering out dangerous plastics or minimizing their use, as well as addressing plastic pollution, but if we can do it in the right way, we could have a viabke path towards common people/bootstrapped l collectives being able to make their own stuff cheaply. Please corect me if I am wrong, and thank you for reading!


because everyone should have access to publicly funded works


and readers are readily available: https://wiki.openzim.org/wiki/Readers


The server seems to be a bit weak, so try again later if it isn't loading.


A massive collection of source code for running the infrastructure of a solar punk future.


* Ammonia (NH3) Very popular scrubbing solvent to remove pollutants from fossil fuel combustion streams before they can be released to the atmosphere. Also a popular refrigerant and precursor to nitric acid. (Key to making artificial fertilizers) * Calcium Oxide (CaO) [quicklime or burnt lime] As a cheap and widely available alkali. About 50% of the total quicklime production is converted to calcium hydroxide before use. Both quick- and hydrated lime are used in the treatment of drinking water. It can be created by heating the limestone to 900°C for several hours which would turn the limestone into quick lime * Calcium hydroxide [hydrated lime, caustic lime, builders' lime, slack lime, cal or pickling lime] Calcium hydroxide is commonly used to prepare lime mortar. One significant application of calcium hydroxide is as a flocculant, in water and sewage treatment. It forms a fluffy charged solid that aids in the removal of smaller particles from water, resulting in a clearer product. This application is enabled by the low cost and low toxicity of calcium hydroxide. It is also used in fresh-water treatment for raising the pH of the water so that pipes will not corrode where the base water is acidic, because it is self-regulating and does not raise the pH too much. It can be created by combining quicklime with water to form slaked lime * Ethylene (C2H4) Probably the most popular industrial precursor to polymer manufacturing * Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Used mainly in the production of other chemicals (by acting as a reactant or a catalyst) * Methanol (CH3OH) Used as a reactant to make methyl tertbutyl ether (MTBE), formaldeyde, and acetic acid. * Nitric Acid (HNO3) Most common application is its reaction with ammonia to form the solid fertilizer ammonium nitrate the most widely used solid fertilizer. Nitric acid is subject to thermal or light decomposition and for this reason it was often stored in brown glass bottles Nitric acid's boiling point of 83 °C. (68% solution boils at 121 °C). Dilute nitric acid may be concentrated by distillation up to 68% acid, which is a maximum boiling azeotrope. In the laboratory, further concentration involves distillation with either sulfuric acid or magnesium nitrate, which serve as dehydrating agents. Such distillations must be done with all-glass apparatus at reduced pressure, to prevent decomposition of the acid. Industrially, highly concentrated nitric acid is produced by dissolving additional nitrogen dioxide in 68% nitric acid in an absorption tower. The dissolved NOx is readily removed using reduced pressure at room temperature (10-30 minutes at 200 mmHg or 27 kPa) to give white fuming nitric acid. * Propylene (C3H6) Another industrial polymer precursor * Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) [washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals] Used in many cleaning agents and in glass making. Sodium oxide is a component of most glass, although it is added in the form of "soda" (sodium carbonate). Typically, manufactured glass contains around 15% sodium oxide, 70% silica (silicon dioxide) and 9% lime (calcium oxide). The sodium carbonate "soda" serves as a flux to lower the temperature at which the silica mixture melts. Soda glass has a much lower melting temperature than pure silica, and has slightly higher elasticity. * Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) [liquid bleach] A method of producing sodium hypochlorite involving the electrolysis of brine to produce sodium hydroxide and chlorine gas, which then mixed to form sodium hypochlorite. Today, an improved version of this method, known as the Hooker process (named after Hooker Chemicals, acquired by Occidental Petroleum), is the only large-scale industrial method of sodium hypochlorite production. In the process, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and sodium chloride (NaCl) are formed when chlorine is passed into cold dilute sodium hydroxide solution. The chlorine is prepared industrially by electrolysis with minimal separation between the anode and the cathode. The solution must be kept below 40 °C (by cooling coils) to prevent the undesired formation of sodium chlorate. Sodium hypochlorite can be easily produced for research purposes by reacting ozone with salt. NaCl + O3 → NaClO + O2 This reaction happens at room temperature and can be helpful for oxidizing alcohols. * Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) [lye and caustic soda] The most popular alkaline substance in industry. Widely used in dyes and soap manufacturing. Also a good cleaning agent and can be used to neutralize acids. * Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) Probably the most common industrial acid. Used widely in mineral leaching and gas scrubbing (removing dangerous substances). Also used to neutralize alkaline substances and as an electrolyte in lead-acid batteries. A nation's sulfuric acid production is a good indicator of its industrial strength. Sulfuric acid can be obtained by dissolving sulfur trioxide in water. * potassium carbonate (K2CO3) [Potash] Used in agriculture as a crop fertilizer. * Urea (CO(NH2)2) [carbamide] More than 90% of world industrial production of urea is destined for use as a nitrogen-release fertilizer.Urea has the highest nitrogen content of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers in common use. Therefore, it has a low transportation cost per unit of nitrogen nutrient. An essential ingredient in diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), which is 32.5% urea and 67.5% de-ionized water. DEF is sprayed into the exhaust stream of diesel vehicles to break down dangerous NOx emissions into harmless nitrogen and water. The most common impurity of synthetic urea is biuret (HN(CONH2)2), which impairs plant growth. * Lithium peroxide It is prepared by the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and lithium hydroxide. This reaction initially produces lithium hydroperoxide: LiOH + H2O2 → LiOOH + 2 H2O This lithium hydroperoxide has also been described as lithium peroxide monoperoxohydrate trihydrate (Li2O2·H2O2·3H2O). Dehydration of this material gives the anhydrous peroxide salt: 2 LiOOH → Li2O2 + H2O2 + 2 H2O Li2O2 decomposes at about 450 °C to give lithium oxide: 2 Li2O2 → 2 Li2O + O2 It is used in air purifiers where weight is important, e.g., spacecraft to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the reaction.


volume 1 can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pqJPKT-eZUNuaL2-lo3jeJLr_Oyxj1t4/view?usp=sharing


* Haber-Bosch process the Haber-Bosch process, is an artificial nitrogen fixation process and is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia today. The process converts atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3) by a reaction with hydrogen (H2) using a metal catalyst under high temperatures and pressures. This conversion is typically conducted at pressures above 10 MPa (100 bar; 1,450 psi) and between 400 and 500 °C (752 and 932 °F), as the gases (nitrogen and hydrogen) are passed over four beds of catalyst, with cooling between each pass for maintaining a reasonable equilibrium constant. On each pass only about 15% conversion occurs, but any unreacted gases are recycled, and eventually an overall conversion of 97% is achieved. * Ostwald process Ammonia is converted to nitric acid in 2 stages. Typical conditions for the first stage, which contribute to an overall yield of about 98%, are: pressure is between 4-10 standard atmospheres (410-1,000 kPa; 59-150 psi) and temperature is about 870-1,073 K (600-800 °C; 1,100-1,500 °F). Stage 1 It is oxidized by heating with oxygen in the presence of a catalyst such as platinum with 10% rhodium, platinum metal on fused silica wool, copper or nickel, to form nitric oxide (nitrogen(II) oxide) and water (as steam). This reaction is strongly exothermic, making it a useful heat source once initiated. Stage 2 Stage two encompasses two reactions and is carried out in an absorption apparatus containing water. Initially nitric oxide is oxidized again to yield nitrogen dioxide (nitrogen(IV) oxide). This gas is then readily absorbed by the water, yielding the desired product (nitric acid, albeit in a dilute form), while reducing a portion of it back to nitric oxide. The NO is recycled, and the acid is concentrated to the required strength by distillation. * Contact process The contact process is the current method of producing sulfuric acid in the high concentrations needed for industrial processes. In addition to being a far more economical process for producing concentrated sulfuric acid than the previous lead chamber process, the contact process also produces sulfur trioxide and oleum. The process can be divided into six stages: Combining of sulfur and oxygen (O2) to form sulfur dioxide Purifying the sulfur dioxide in a purification unit Adding an excess of oxygen to sulfur dioxide in the presence of the catalyst vanadium pentoxide at 450 °C and 1-2 atm The sulfur trioxide formed is added to sulfuric acid which gives rise to oleum (disulfuric acid) The oleum is then added to water to form sulfuric acid which is very concentrated. As this process is an exothermic reaction so the temperature should be as low as possible. * Solvay process The Solvay process or ammonia-soda process is the major industrial process for the production of sodium carbonate (soda ash, Na2CO3). The ingredients for this are readily available and inexpensive: salt brine (from inland sources or from the sea) and limestone (from quarries). In industrial practice, the reaction is carried out by passing concentrated brine (salt water) through two towers. In the first, ammonia bubbles up through the brine and is absorbed by it. In the second, carbon dioxide bubbles up through the ammoniated brine, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) precipitates out of the solution. The necessary ammonia "catalyst" for reaction (I) is reclaimed in a later step, and relatively little ammonia is consumed. The carbon dioxide required for reaction (I) is produced by heating ("calcination") of the limestone at 950-1100 °C, and by calcination of the sodium bicarbonate. The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the limestone is partially converted to quicklime (calcium oxide (CaO)) and carbon dioxide. The sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) that precipitates out in reaction (I) is filtered out from the hot ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) solution, and the solution is then reacted with the quicklime (calcium oxide (CaO)) left over from heating the limestone in step (II). CaO makes a strong basic solution. The ammonia from reaction (III) is recycled back to the initial brine solution of reaction (I). The sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) precipitate from reaction (I) is then converted to the final product, sodium carbonate (washing soda: Na2CO3), by calcination (160-230 °C), producing water and carbon dioxide as byproducts. The carbon dioxide from step (IV) is recovered for re-use in step (I). When properly designed and operated, a Solvay plant can reclaim almost all its ammonia, and consumes only small amounts of additional ammonia to make up for losses. The only major inputs to the Solvay process are salt, limestone and thermal energy, and its only major byproduct is calcium chloride, which is sometimes sold as road salt. In the modified Solvay process developed by Chinese chemist Hou Debang in 1930s, the first few steps are the same as the Solvay process. However, the CaCl2 is supplanted by ammonium chloride (NH4Cl). Instead of treating the remaining solution with lime, carbon dioxide and ammonia are pumped into the solution, then sodium chloride is added until the solution saturates at 40 °C. Next, the solution is cooled to 10 °C. Ammonium chloride precipitates and is removed by filtration, and the solution is recycled to produce more sodium carbonate. Hou's process eliminates the production of calcium chloride. The byproduct ammonium chloride can be refined, used as a fertilizer and may have greater commercial value than CaCl2, thus reducing the extent of waste beds. * Chloralkali process The most common chloralkali process involves the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (a brine) in a membrane cell. A membrane, such as one made from Nafion (sulfonated tetrafluoroethylene based fluoropolymer-copolymer), is used to prevent the reaction between the chlorine and hydroxide ions. (asbestos can perform this function less efficiently) Saturated brine is passed into the first chamber of the cell where the chloride ions are oxidised at the anode, losing electrons to become chlorine gas: 2Cl- → Cl2 + 2e- At the cathode, positive hydrogen ions pulled from water molecules are reduced by the electrons provided by the electrolytic current, to hydrogen gas, releasing hydroxide ions into the solution: 2H2O + 2e- → H2 + 2OH- The ion-permeable ion-exchange membrane at the center of the cell allows the sodium ions (Na+) to pass to the second chamber where they react with the hydroxide ions to produce caustic soda (NaOH). The overall reaction for the electrolysis of brine is thus: 2NaCl + 2H2O → Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH The process has a high energy consumption, for example around 2500 kWh of electricity per tonne of sodium hydroxide produced. Because the process yields equivalent amounts of chlorine and sodium hydroxide (two moles of sodium hydroxide per mole of chlorine), it is necessary to find a use for these products in the same proportion. For every mole of chlorine produced, one mole of hydrogen is produced. Much of this hydrogen is used to produce hydrochloric acid The method is analogous when using calcium chloride or potassium chloride, producing calcium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. * Water-gas shift reaction With the development of industrial processes that required hydrogen, such as the Haber-Bosch ammonia synthesis, a less expensive and more efficient method of hydrogen production was needed. So starting with coal and performing coal gasification: 3C (i.e., coal) + O2 + H2O → H2 + 3CO Then using 3CO to perform the water-gas shift reaction: CO + H2O ⇌ H2 + CO2 Low temperature shift catalysis Catalysts for the lower temperature WGS reaction are commonly based on copper or copper oxide loaded ceramic phases, While the most common supports include Alumina or alumina with zinc oxide, other supports may include rare earth oxides, spinels or perovskites. A typical composition of a commercial LTS catalyst has been reported as 32-33% CuO, 34-53% ZnO, 15-33% Al2O3. The active catalytic species is CuO. The function of ZnO is to provide structural support as well as prevent the poisoning of copper by sulfur. The Al2O3 prevents dispersion and pellet shrinkage. The LTS shift reactor operates at a range of 200-250 °C. The upper temperature limit is due to the susceptibility of copper to thermal sintering. These lower temperatures also reduce the occurrence of side reactions that are observed in the case of the HTS. High temperature shift catalysis The typical composition of commercial HTS catalyst has been reported as 74.2% Fe2O3, 10.0% Cr2O3, 0.2% MgO (remaining percentage attributed to volatile components). The chromium acts to stabilize the iron oxide and prevents sintering. The operation of HTS catalysts occurs within the temperature range of 310 °C to 450 °C. The temperature increases along the length of the reactor due to the exothermic nature of the reaction. As such, the inlet temperature is maintained at 350 °C to prevent the exit temperature from exceeding 550 °C. Industrial reactors operate at a range from atmospheric pressure to 8375 kPa (82.7 atm). The search for high performance HT WGS catalysts remains an intensive topic of research in fields of chemistry and materials science. Activation energy is a key criteria for the assessment of catalytic performance in WGS reactions. To date, some of the lowest activation energy values have been found for catalysts consisting of copper nanoparticles on ceria support materials, with values as low as Ea = 34 kJ/mol reported relative to hydrogen generation.


Modern civilization requires electricity, might as well know the basics if you want to leverage the sun for that.


Turns out the internet is far simpler than you think, the hard part is just getting other networks to agree to connect to yours (called peering agreements)


these people have created a diy lab reactor you can synthesise medicines with, but I can’t find *how* to make it anywhere. can anyone find out, or share from their own knowledge? EDIT: this is a lab reactor for organic chemistry, not a bioreactor with bacteria


A cheap, fast and effective way to help your community breathe better. Most effective indoors. Pair with an N95s if you plan on protesting with your friends during a pandemic but P100s with a filter for organic vapors to protect against tear gas [try to contain tear gas as quickly as possible as cleanup is much harder].


Every community needs basic resource planning and coordination if they expect to effectively progress towards shared goals


If you ever wanted to know how the computer or DVD player puts the images it does on the screen, here are the ugly details.


An in depth introduction to building your own computer from individual chips to help form a solid foundation of how computers work.


Where other projects like Linux from scratch require you to have a C compiler and a whole operating system. Live-bootstrap starts with a 510byte bootloader and just a bunch of source code and builds up to a full modern Linux distro base and without any pregenerated files


Thanks to Gnu Guix it is now possible to have a trusted modern software stack build from only source code. This is a first in the world of software trust that has been impossible for decades and even too hard for militaries around the world, until now.