Burning Man

Burning Man Lennnny 4mo ago 66%
To The Moon

Anyone else from here going to this regional? I'm so excited!


I’m curious about some of the other positions and what people have taken away from volunteering at a burn. Last year, I volunteered for Sanctuary, and I really appreciated the opportunity. It was a pleasure to hold space for folks, and I’m glad I was able to help ensure their comfort and wellbeing. NGL, I did well to have a low stimulation time away from the excitement of the rest of burn. I’m hoping to do the same again as well as trying Perimeter and the cafeteria at Apogaea.


I just got passes for myself and a partner for this year’s Apogaea. I’m so excited. It will be my first time at this burn, and I’ve heard good things from folks I’ve met that’ve been before. Anyone else going?


Since the About section specifically calls out folks that call BRC as home, what are the thoughts on regional burns? I have only been to Alchemy and will be trying to make it to Apogaea this year. The much smaller size seems more intimate and in alignment with my personal style. Folks interested in also discussing those here, or is there another federated community that fits better?


Thanks for the group! Hope to see this grow!