
The latest, 29.x, version of Emacs. Whenever I drap&drop an image into a note, it'll open an image in a new buffer. An image won't get embedded or attached onto a note. Why not? Hasn't d&d functionality been added since several versions ago, natively? How to embed or attach an image onto a note? Preferably, a) by Drap&Drop b) without any third-party package


announce the release of Magit version 4.0. One of the best things to happen to EMACS! More information can be found on in the [release notes](https://github.com/magit/magit/blob/main/docs/RelNotes/4.0.0.org).


Hello, I am an vim user and I am used to the vim way of doing things. I started tinkering with emacs some time ago and enjoying it since because of the elisp. however I find the default keybinding kinda weird and it's hard to get used to it. we can't even vi" or ci" in emacs. also emacs doesn't have inbuilt multi cursor support. I really want to use emacs but these things are holding me back :(

Emacs mac 7mo ago 100%
Emacs 29.3 released

> Emacs 29.3 is an emergency bugfix release intended to fix several security vulnerabilities described below. > > ** Arbitrary Lisp code is no longer evaluated as part of turning on Org mode. This is for security reasons, to avoid evaluating malicious Lisp code. > > ** New buffer-local variable 'untrusted-content'. When this is non-nil, Lisp programs should treat buffer contents with extra caution. > > ** Gnus now treats inline MIME contents as untrusted. To get back previous insecure behavior, 'untrusted-content' should be reset to nil in the buffer. > > ** LaTeX preview is now by default disabled for email attachments. To get back previous insecure behavior, set the variable 'org--latex-preview-when-risky' to a non-nil value. > > ** Org mode now considers contents of remote files to be untrusted. Remote files are recognized by calling 'file-remote-p'.


This is a bug-fix release with no new features. * Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 29.2 * Tramp * New user option 'tramp-show-ad-hoc-proxies'. When non-nil, ad-hoc definitions are kept in remote file names instead of showing the shortcuts. * Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 29.2 * 'with-sqlite-transaction' rolls back changes if its BODY fails. If the BODY of the macro signals an error, or committing the results of the transaction fails, the changes will now be rolled back.


I'm using emacs + evil. With helm-mode. In the minibuffer / ex mode, if I type `lsp` then hit tab I see a list of completions as expected. If I type `lsp-` then tab the nothing happens. No completion list is shown. Nothing happens at all. Strangely I thought this use to work but updating my packages one day broke this behavior. Any ideas? Emacs configs: https://github.com/coreyoconnor/RCs/tree/master/emacs.d/local


pure GTK front-end, built-in support for the massively popular Language Server Protocol via eglot, and built-in support for TreeSitter.