Let's Chat

Is it solipsistic in here, or is it just me?

Let's Chat Alice 6mo ago 100%
I got dinner

Im mostly Looking forward to the lemonade


Yall are to mad all the time


And good dreams


Hope y'all are good


So it's been 1,5 months since I started the instance. People I invited from reddit basically don't post anything. LIke null. I recently made an announcement on Mastodon, two people from there joined and I think they like it, cause they post. But It's not like I imagined. I posted on X, invited people on reddit, tried also on fb. Still have only about 20 people here. The amount of time I spend on these invitations, posting to keep instance alive, keeping up with the lemmy updates, managing the infrastructure of the instance is just big. And the counter of users looks freezed. If it was going up, thats another story. So that got me thinking. I had to reevaluate. In short I think it's a very long game, and we should keep that in mind. I'm still confindent in the fedi but that revolution will come slowly. And I think, at least for me inviting people and trying to forcefully post may be somewhat counterproductive as there are gaziliion ways to act to make the world and people's lives around us better. And creating fediverse instances is not my only talent. So I'm cutting some time on that and moving it to other projects I have in mind. Ofc I will still maintain, keep up with lemmy and UI updates, post here and there but just less. The bond that connect people with X, with facebook, reddit are so strong that it's just crazy. But I guess I can understand. I was once one of them, until I hit the wall with what's possible on these platforms in terms of the content that is being displayed, opinions and style of discussion. It has to be a long game. Honestly I hope for some reddit fuckup in the near future though I'm not sure. Look at how much trash is on FB and people are still using it (maybe messenger is the only thing that keeps them there though. And groups)


One week is left to reddit IPO. Should we be prepared for increased discussion on the internet about social media and fediverse? It would be a good time for our instance promotion. Apparently WallStreetBets are preparing to short the reddit stock, they might be onto something. If they will be succesful I think fediverse will be mentioned. On the other hand, I just went to WSB. Looks like they aren't really interested in fediverse. Almost no talk about it


Reddit had a short outage (that's what you say it?) today. What came to my mind is we could use a script that checks if reddit has issues and if it has it could notify us through gmail or whatever and then we have we quickly make a twitter post with appropriate hashtags #redditdown etc. Everyone during outage goes to twitter to ask what happened, that's how they could know we exist. How we can check if the reddit is down? Haven't investigated it yet. There is this site or starters: https://www.redditstatus.com/ EDIT: Not sure if it's worth the effort because such events occur very rarely.


They fixed it already, shame. But we can check that as a small win for us. It's all about trust in the platform.


Thought of the posts on here and EH and elsewhere on this subject...


In my personal life. Will be posting and getting to my notifications shortly. Hope y'all been good


Hello guys! New here. I'm coming in peace from a friendly polish instance - fedit.pl. Actually I was contacted by Alice (I believe?) on one of subreddits, had a very nice chat and figured that this instance has to be quite cool. A question for starters - you are not federated - why? If you don't want to federate with all that crap out there, you can just put a few friendly instances on your whitelist in admin options (assuming they also have only friendly whitelisted instances).


I always try to direct people to these alt tech platforms. Never gotten anyone to come... But I think that this will change as censorship and control of information grows tighter. The thing I am most concerned about is *beating the censors and the general thrust against human rights and democracy.* This site is so small, but it represents the effort at decentralizing and spreading out how we communicate and taking it out of the hands of not just government censorship, but also out of the hands of oligarchs that have means of canceling and waging economic warfare on people IRL. To me, this is no longer about left/right or any kind of identity, it's about those who really value freedom qua freedom and those who are supporters of soft totalitarianism, either wittingly or unwittingly.


It trips me out when I'm browsing movies to watch, and I see actors that use to be considered like 'it' back in the day. I don't think young people even know who Deneese Richard's is. Or, remember when Charlie Shean went fucking nuts with the whole 'winning' shit ? Or, Hailey Joel Osman. Remember him? He was in A.I., The Sixth Sense, I mean fuck. He was a super popular and REALLY GOOD child actor. It seemed like all the really big directors like Spielberg used him for their films. Big block buster movies. I don't think there is one shitty movie he was in. They were all big and with really famous actors. There's *so* many new actors and actresses now. Idk to me, they are not iconic at all and movies aren't the same anymore either. Just crazy how like they aren't relevant anymore


Hope yall are doing alright


Me? I'm tired and yea thinking about how I don't want to be tired. What's on your mind?


I was in University abroad attending a local language course - there were only about 15 other people in the class, like 12 of which were women, and, you know, it was a good class overall. Good people. One day, late in the class, there was suddenly a small toot that went off... At first I just smiled slightly, but then the smell hit... My word, it was atrocious, enough so that people started looking around uncomfortably and even the teacher sort of changed the way she was lecturing... At this point I am smiling widely and stifling my own laughter... I have deduced that it must be from *right near me* because of the sound, and as I take in the room, I notice a girl just a couple seats away from me has turned bright red out of embarrassment... As I look away from her I also notice that other people have honed in on the fart location, and a few people are looking at me laughing like this... ... *Which way, Western man?* ... I says to myself... "Sorry, guys. I ate a lot at breakfast," I say in the language we are studying. A couple boys and maybe like one or two girls laugh uncomfortably, but the hate gazes from all the girls towards me intensify... *Except for one woman, whose face goes back to normal.* She must've felt a great sense of relief... I white knighted her fart. I jumped on the social faux pas grenade. I took credit for a ghastly, room-clearing fart, taking all the shame upon my shoulders, and allowing a skinny, fairly attractive woman to go on with her day without having to think about this. I don't think she can really tell anybody but ... *She knows, and I know,* and now *you know* what I did for her that day... And it's the nicest thing I probably did that entire year.


Can yall quiz me on nerdy stuff ? I wanna see how much I know about tech and things. I see yall going on and on about routers and network adapters and other nerdy shit all the time lol I'm like, O_o the fuck they talking about? Ask me questions about nerdy stuff, I wanna see what all I know.


I have 101 so not ignoring. Trying to catch up


Hope you have a good day


HUH ! jeeze laweez

Let's Chat Alice 10mo ago 100%
How Was Your Day?

But I don't fucking want to


I put myself to bed earlier to get on a better Sleeping Schedule and I'm just restless. I Always wonder why When it Comes to negative or Uncomfortable things, theres no Shortage of them. But good things, feelings, and experiences, are seldom. I'm frustrated with it. I'm frustrated with having stress all the time. Feeling down and stressful stuff happening. I want to be in a good mood more often and I want Good and happy things to happen more often then the bad. I don't get it. It's annoying. I'm ok everything's fine. I'm just frustrated. Anyway..

Let's Chat Alice 11mo ago 100%
I'm still here

I'm still here. I've just been getting stuff online, and cloning voices to make videos so it takes me a while. Especially becauseI'm looking for specific shit


The pink highlight is so dam cute. It's girly and I love it.