Wild Personal Stories

Hey everyone, Welcome to "Wild Personal Tales " a community where we share unsettling, bone-chilling encounters with strangers that left us shaken and reminding ourselves why it's best not to cross paths again. This community is a space to recount real-life tales of encounters that sent shivers down our spines and made us feel vulnerable. Whether it was a fleeting interaction that left you uneasy or a genuinely terrifying experience, this is the place to share your stories. It's a reminder that sometimes reality can be stranger and more disturbing than fiction. I encourage you to share your encounters, no matter how big or small, and provide support and understanding to those who have been through similar ordeals. Remember to be respectful and considerate as we navigate these haunting narratives. Here's to sharing our unnerving experiences and reinforcing the importance of trust and safety in our lives. Let's dive into the stories that make us think, "Let's not meet again." Stay safe out there. Best regards, PinkyCoyote.


Now this isn't exactly a personal horror story which is what I made this sub for, but an evil around us and I wanted to let people know about this and this feels like a decent enough place to do so. This post deals with sensitive topics so -*content warning*- folks. In the city Gujarat close to my city is a shrine, a shrine where people since the 1800s have come to pray when they fail to have kids. But in what sounds like a German fairy tale, the cost is that you then give the shrine your first born. Now I wouldn't speculate what this meant in the past but that tradition under the wraps continues to this day. If you are barren and you pray at the shrine, the Saint will grant you a child but it could look like a mouse, you have to donate that child to the shrine or all your future children will look like mice too. This is a claim made at the Gujarat shrine. Pakistan has a million issues and what is a heart wrenching one for me are the beggar gangs. To briefly explain this, children are kidnapped throughout the country, Karachi especially is sooo terrible at this. 3000 kids went missing in one city in a single year which I don't think is the highest year. Kids are then traded across gangs across cities so they aren't found. Now why kids? And what do they do to said kids? Well the purpose of these gangs is to create an army of beggers they own and control, beggers who can bring in more donations. These children are moved across shrines but to make them obedient, to make them docile, unrecongnizable and more pitiable... they are mutilated. Limbs cut off, eyes gouged out. The intention is for the child to attract sympathy and money. And one hour at a shrine will show you it works. Kids already disabled are also prime kidnapping targets. Shrines attract desperate people, people in emotionally vulnerable states, people willing to donate more than not. Now why did I bring up Gujarat specifically? Well there lies one of the cruelest deformation that I could imagine. I've seem beggers without a limbs or eyes, moving around in 50 degree heat with a rag on their body lying on a broken wooden board bleeding. Every time I leave my house I come to tears at the state of the begging culture of this nation. Yet amongst them all lie the 'chooay' or mice of Pakistan. Kids whose heads are wrapped in metallic bands that destroy their minds. People who have in all effect little to no sanity. They are also very regularly victim to sexual assault as they can't exactly complain. This theory was established and researched by one of Pakistan's top scientists, who was then banned from talking about the issue following media exposure years ago.  (Another issue is molvis raping kids. How under threat women are; every woman I know has told me 5 personal horror stories. There's sexual assault EVERYWHERE.) Some think it is a mix between Down's syndrome and mongoloid children. With Pakistan's inbreeding tendencies. My mother loves cousin marriages and is obsessed with the idea. The educated part of the current generation is rebelling against this but a vast majority love inbreeding. Many are offended if you say a word against it. But that could be possible. Legally you cannot give a child to the shrine and so the tradition is in ways limited. Yet kids are given away or taken away. Whether by shrines or begging gangs who deploy them outside those shrines (and everywhere else too). So these kids are kidnapped, mutilated, raped and traded. Thrown around as beggers, their money all then collected. Many hooked on cheap drugs that kill them. They are not just victims of poverty. They are victims of the worst offences you could imagine. Women are raped and impregnated in order to maximise ‘profit’ in these gangs. Children and seniors deliberately have their limbs abnormally twisted or removed, leaving them crippled. They lay a persons leg on a train track and a train chops off their leg. Beggars are then taught begging tactics such as where and how to beg effectively to maximise donations. On average, a child domestic worker makes an estimated Rs. 500-1500 (£2-£16) per month. Yes people employ children. Whereas beggars can make between Rs. 100 and 10,000 (46p-£45) daily. Thus, begging is more profitable than being a nanny, cook, driver or gardener in Pakistan. # So. I don't know if the rat people are victims of microcephaly or torture. And I don't care, for they are victims in many many more ways too. Some additional info: I live in the middle east now and Pakistani's love moving here and have bought this beggar industry here too. To add to that faking or exaggerating physical or mental disabilities, injuries, diseases, or deformities to elicit pity and donations from the public is common is begging gangs. Some beggars may even mutilate or injure themselves or others to create a more convincing appearance is also an issue here. Claiming to be victims of natural disasters, wars, conflicts etc and asking for help or relief from the public. Some beggars also use fake documents, photos, or stories to support their claims. Because yes recently beggars started moving around with documents, they'd start by saying, I am not a begger I need money for this medical bill or I got evicted etc.


Sorry I haven't been posting here. I have soooo many family stories I wanna post but I'm too lazy to make an effort post. Well its been a few months now so I'm just gonna post this here. First of all you should know my family particularly mothers side is INSANE. And insane in Pakistan, not just generally insane. This is the story of my mums aunts family. There were two siblings. An older brother in his late 30s and a younger sister also in her 30s (mid 30s I think). Now last year the older brother died after his bike got trampled over by a truck in a police chase but that's a story for another time. Today I wanna tell you about the sister. So she got married and had 2 kids by now and surprisingly managed to get a divorce (it's Pakistan, it was an arranged marriage and divorce ain't easy for a woman to get). Now the father of the kids didn't give much of a fuck about them and didn't boher em much for 2 years after the divorce. But now (a lil over 2 years after divorce and a year post brothers death) the ex husband starts threatening her that he'll take the daughters away. Now she is scared, alone, powerless and panicked. Her parents are old and in critical conditions. Women can't work here. They are living off of basically no money. All they have for 4 people is the tiiiiiiny retirement fund of the father. Yes women basically can't work. So she was in a bad bad situation and one day we get a call and find out she's in the hospital. Shocked, we ask what on earth had happened. .... She put rat poison in her and her daughters food. Both kids had died and the mother was in the ICU. She has survived and I have no clue what is going to happen now. This is fucked up even for my family's standards and I have no clue what to say about this. We went to the kids funeral and it was the saddest thing in the world. And not even for the reasons you think. I heard one woman at the house complain about the catering. I heard many women gossiping about the family. I saw exaggerated fake outbursts from neighbours who never knew them. The funeral was as disgusting as anything I've seen. I lost hope in humanity and am happy I don't live here anymore. And guess what the story of the funeral is a common one here. I just think about the innocent 10 year old girls and wonder if there was a better life for them out there than their mother. In this country, in their financial and societal conditions, I expect not.


So the neighbouring villages head family's 11 yo son, lets call him, fanta, was an entitled ass. A cousin of mine who ran a small shop was a petty idiot, lets call him, coco. These two personalaties tend to collide. Now these are both families with a lot of pride and a long history of violence, especially against each other over long disputes. This is a story from 2015 and there had been no violence since the death of an uncle of mine in 2009 who was essentially the hot head who'd pick fights. This man was arrested by his own brother (another uncle obviously) like thrice and eventually died in the most stupid shootout too. Now for the story, Fanta went to Coco's shop to buy a soft drink. Now here you pay a different price if youre keeping the glass bottle vs if you return it. Fanta paid the price for returning the bottle and said he'd give it back on his way back from school. On his way back Coco demanded the bottle back, Fanta claimed he paid full price. There was an argument and coco beat 11 yo fanta up. Fanta ran home and told his family all about this. Now while the uncle was alive noone would fuck around with our family in this kind of situation but now the then teens were growing up and getting ballsy. So the next night Coco returns home beaten up and bleeding and says he was jumped by that families boys. His father calls up some of the guys and tells em we need to assert dominance tomorrrow. The same night theres firing heard outside the house. This is beyond crossing the line. They entered our village and people heard this, this was the most serious thing to happen in my memory. Next day theres a brawl amongst the younger men as expected and theres MANY serious injuries including 2 stabs, stabbers were on our side. So the older men meet now bc the women of the family arranged a meeting at the mosque. This probably saved a LOT of violence and potentially deaths. Here it was agreed that the apparantely rogue guy who was responsible for the aerial shooting outside the house would be publically punished and that all beef will then be even as long as we took some afghan refugees into our side of town. This was quickly thrown together and i'll explain further in the comments.


I was strolling down this sketchy alleyway, when out of nowhere, this raggedy guy shows up, asking for spare change. I figured, why not help out a bit? But as he got closer something about his stare gave me major goosebumps. He got really intense, mumbling about some secret he just had to reveal. I hurriedly handed over a few bucks, tried to back off, and boom! He grabs my arm, with a bony grip. My adrenaline kicked in, and I rushed out of there. I could swear I sensed the man following me and sort of felt his presence around for several days. Luckily never seen the man around since and hope never to. I do wonder what he might've said or done had I waited.


My boyfriend invited me over to his place to watch a movie, and I gladly accepted. When I arrived, he still hadn't returned, so I thought I'd surprise him by preparing some snacks for us and setting up a bath. As I headed to the bathroom, I noticed the door was strangely locked. I called out to him, but there was no reply. Suddenly, the door to my room slammed shut, even though there was no reason for it given windows were all closed. Feeling uneasy, I tried to return to the kitchen, only to find the door that had slammed shut was now locked. Panic started to set in, and I frantically searched for my phone, which I realised I had left in the kitchen. Strange noises began emanating from the bathroom, and I asked again if it was my boyfriend. As I approached the bathroom door, someone started pounding on it as if trying to break it down by hand. Terrified, I shouted and sprinted towards the door, but it was still locked. I then tried to hide under the bed, my heart racing. That's when I heard the bathroom door slowly began to open. I gathered the courage to check, hoping it was my boyfriend, but to my horror, I found a person wearing a clown mask, laughing menacingly. I made a dash for the door and, miraculously, it was open. I started fleeing the apartment barefoot, without my phone, and swung open the apartment door—only to find another clown man standing right there. Overwhelmed with shock, I stumbled and fell, the laughter still echoing around me as the clown grabbed me. It was then that I looked up and realized the clown was my asshole boyfriend, and the bathroom clown was his asshole friend. They had orchestrated this prank all along, and my boyfriend couldn't contain his grin all night.


cross-posted from: https://yiffit.net/post/2691040 > Sometime between 7th and 9th grade, I saw something that I cannot explain and has freaked me the fuck out ever since. I really didn't expect anyone to believe me then, and I really don't expect anyone to now but I need to get it off my chest to maybe get it off my mind. > > I had woken up around 3 in the morning thirsty as hell, so I groggily got up, grabbed my cup off my night stand and went downstairs to get some water. I barely had my eyes open until I was standing in front of the fridge and only opened them to make sure the ice was set to cubed as my mom would always leave it on crushed. I immediately noticed a dull, amber light illuminating the kitchen from the window in front of the sink. > > The nearest street lamp on the street behind my house was a few houses down and didn't really reach the kitchen from the angle it was relative to it, so I turned around to see where this light was coming from and as soon as I saw it I reflexively backed into the fridge and slipped falling onto my ass. I just sat there stunned and scared shitless because what I saw was nothing of this world I've seen or read about. > > I managed to get the courage to slowly crouch and peer over the island counter I was currently behind to get a better look. In my backyard were two *things* seemingly looking for something. They had large, lumpy heads (or at least it was a prominent part of the top of the body) that were translucent and emitting the amber light. Stuff was floating around in the head but I couldn't make out more than black silhouettes against the light. > > They had no eyes that I could discern, but they had mouths with puffy, puckered, reddish lips that a long, pointed blue or black (hard to tell with the orangish light) tongue would occasionally flick out and lick the air; like a snake "sniffing." I couldn't tell if they had a real body or if from the "neck" of the creature was only tendrils. They had several long appendages that seemed specialized with different "hands," some of which looked like they could have been technological tools as they had somewhat recognizable man-made shapes such as a drill on one and an infrared thermometer on another. > > The one further from the window I thought had what looked like a metallic backpack on but before I could really look at any detail I might have gleamed in the amber light, the one closest to the window slapped one of its "arms" against the window with a "hand" of a dozen or more smaller, worm-like fingers all wriggling against the glass, and I'll never forget the sound it made as it probed the window. A light, meaty slapping and streaking sound as they bumped and slithered across it. > > That's when I had had enough and slowly crawled on my butt staying as low as I could back out of the kitchen, down the hall and out of sight of the window before standing up and bolting back to my room, locking the door behind me and pushing my dresser in front of the window. I just sat on my bed huddled in the corner of the wall watching the window until I could see the sunlight peeking through behind the dresser before I finally passed out. > > When I woke later in the afternoon, before the sun had gone down I went into the backyard to see if anything was out of place and I couldn't find anything weird. Not a mark in the dirt, not any residue on the glass where that thing has rubbed it, nothing. I've searched online for cryptids or even alien encounters that match what I saw and have never come up with anything even remotely close. I don't know what the fuck those things were, and I am not even entirely sure they are a threat but it makes me feel extremely uneasy knowing that they exist.


My grandmother's sister went into the wheat drying room after hearing noises, assuming one of the kids had gotten in. Once inside, she heard a noise coming from a closet. Upon opening it, she discovered a man pointing a gun at her. The man panicked and shot at her head. He then grabbed her phone and started running out. Just then, everyone came out of their rooms, causing a lot of panic. As he ran towards the door within the chaos, my uncle and I grabbed our guns to chase him. He noticed this and yanked my 7-year-old cousin by the wrist, then jumped over the wall with the kid and escaped into the fields. We couldn't find him. A few hours later, a ransom call demanded 10 million and insisted not to involve the cops. The father of the kid told him it was impossible to gather 10 million in a hurry. Later, he called the cops. The next morning, the guy called again, agreeing to 4 million and arranging a spot for the exchange. He told the father to come alone. The next night, they managed to gather around 500,000 and went to the spot, the father and uncle, with the cops following and cutting off access to areas. There, the guy took the money and pointed to a figure in the dark, claiming that was the child, and then rode off. Luckily, it was indeed the kid. Three hours later, we received a call from the cops that they had caught the guy. I forgot to mention that the cops were this efficient because the family knew all the political leaders of the area and had some ministers in their pockets. We went to the station to check on the situation, and they had beaten the guy up pretty badly. It turns out we knew the guy; he happened to be the son of the land caretaker and had been the family's driver for a few years. His original intention was to steal some stuff from the house, but once he got caught, he improvised. His motivation was the fact that the family of the woman he wanted to marry asked for a 400,000 dowry, and he couldn't afford that.