Quantum Computing


Hope the subtitles on this video can help non-German speaking people understanding what this "two server rack" quantum computer is about. Translated by Google Translate: > Quantum computers extremely shrunk! - Supercomputer soon for the home? > > A quantum computer for the home: A new mini quantum computer should be suitable for the masses, compact and self-sufficient. THAT is the goal of an Austrian research team. The prototype fits into two server racks, enough to fill an entire lab. So will there soon be quantum computers for everyone?


Unfortunately I could not find an English version of this video or subtitles, but it is very interesting for learning what Quantum computing is about in 2023. Hope it can anyhow bring some knowledge and amazement to you. [Directly download the video](https://download-media.srf.ch/world/video/einstein/2023/01/einstein_20230123_002435_17189842_v_webcast_h264_q60.mp4) The content description translated by Google Translate: > Cracking encryption or solving complex problems that normal computers fail: Quantum computers herald a new age of computing. But: A quantum computer is not so easy to understand. That's why "Einstein" moderator Tobias Müller wants to get to the bottom of the phenomenon. > > >How does a quantum computer work? > >To understand this, "Einstein" moderator Tobias Müller has to immerse himself in the world of quantum mechanics; only it enables the concept of a quantum computer. But first you have to learn to understand this strange world and its disturbing laws of nature. > > >Beacon of hope > >Quantum computers will one day be superior to today's digital systems for solving highly complex tasks. However, the quantum computer will not completely replace classic computing, but will supplement it in a very targeted manner. "Einstein" shows in which areas of application the greatest hopes lie and what is already being invested in them. > > >Threat > >Quantum computers will be able to crack the known encryption methods - this has already been proven in theory. For this reason, research is already being carried out with classic computers on algorithms that are intended to make electronic encryption secure against quantum power - this is referred to as "post-quantum cryptography". > > > Switzerland and the race for the quantum computer > >Quantum research is becoming increasingly important and strategic around the world. This is becoming a problem for Switzerland right now: although international pioneering work has been done in this field in this country for years, the exclusion from the EU Horizon research projects is now threatening to put it on the sidelines scientifically. But the Swiss quantum researchers are fighting back.


The NSA intentionally weakened RSA through bribes; I imagine they will also attempt to gain control of quantum encryption.