Mental Health PlanetOfOrd 1y ago 83%

Was considering recording my AMA vid today...couldn't do it.

I post videos, content, or articles almost daily on my social media to show tech companies that, yes, I'm the guy you need on your tech team since I know my stuff.

But each time it feels so...blah...because nobody ever reads anything I write. At least, nobody with money (despite me writing FOR people with money).

I recently asked people to submit questions for an AMA on databases. I got 3 questions back. I think I'll use my local LLM app to generate a few more.

But it felt like...what's the point? Even when I record and publish the video, so far nobody's ever engaged with my last 100 posts. Why would they do it for this one?

Anyone else feel this? How do you cope or overcome?

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