Weekly Explosions Blog admin 2y ago 100%

Weekly Explosions Vol 1: Is Food Security the next conspiracy theory about to come true?

Weekly Explosions Vol 1: Is Food Security the next conspiracy theory about to come true?

This week I created a new community called Food Security as there have been lots of articles "appearing" related to this subject:

  • food plants burning down or blowing up
  • planes crashing into food plants
  • drought is impacting 69% of US wheat production areas
  • Union Pacific cutting fertilizer shipments by rail by 20% right in the middle of peak planting season
  • Grain deliveries by rail being partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide
  • FBI warning of cyber attacks on food plants

Now this could be blown out of all proportion because:

  • lots of food plants and distribution centers near transport hubs that include airports. So if a plane crashes on take off or landing - there are food plants close by to crash into.
  • Food plants have been running at full capacity since Covid lockdowns and regular maintenance has been deferred, increasing the number of problems in the form of fires and explosions.
  • droughts come and go and have always been a part of agriculture.
  • What's With All the Food Processing Plants Blowing Up Lately? does a good job of explaining why all this could be normal.

If that was all there was to these stories - I would not be suspicious. But there are 2 events that have set off alarm bells in my head:

**1. Why would a rail company like Union Pacific cut shipments of fertilizer to farmers during peak planting season and rail carriers cancel the delivery of bulk grains to cattle and dairy operations?

I am sorry - this just makes no sense to me. I would think the rail carriers would want to ship more to increase profits. I would think governments would be moving heaven and earth to make sure enough food is available at affordable prices for their populations.

2. FBI warning of cyber attacks on food plants

In recent years the FBI has a history of planting stories in the media to set up a hoax or false flag operation they are running. Their corruption has destroyed all the trust many of us once placed in the FBI - so their "warnings" need to be carefully evaluated for motivation rather then be blindly accepted.

It is too early to tell what if anything is going on. But I wanted to start a community where we could link related articles so we can evaluate the situation as events unfold.

If you are interested in this, please subscribe and contribute links and comments to the Food Security community.

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