
Hindrances as different bowls of water (SN 46.55)

Hindrances as different bowls of water (SN 46.55)

Saṅgāravasutta—Bhikkhu Sujato

The brahmin Saṅgārava asks why sometimes verses stay in memory while other times they don’t. The Buddha replies that it is due to the presence of either the hindrances or awakening factors. He gives a set of similes illustrating each of the hindrances with different bowls of water.

At Sāvatthī.

Then Saṅgārava the brahmin went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha:

“What is the cause, Master Gotama, what is the reason why sometimes even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced?

And why is it that sometimes even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced?”

“Brahmin, there’s a time when your heart is overcome and mired in sensual desire and you don’t truly understand the escape from sensual desire that has arisen. At that time you don’t truly know or see what is good for yourself, good for another, or good for both. Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced.

Suppose there was a bowl of water that was mixed with dye such as red lac, turmeric, indigo, or rose madder. Even a person with clear eyes checking their own reflection wouldn’t truly know it or see it.

In the same way, when your heart is overcome and mired in sensual desire … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced.

Furthermore, when your heart is overcome and mired in ill will … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. Suppose there was a bowl of water that was heated by fire, boiling and bubbling. Even a person with clear eyes checking their own reflection wouldn’t truly know it or see it. In the same way, when your heart is overcome and mired in ill will … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced.

Furthermore, when your heart is overcome and mired in dullness and drowsiness … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. Suppose there was a bowl of water overgrown with moss and aquatic plants. Even a person with clear eyes checking their own reflection wouldn’t truly know it or see it. In the same way, when your heart is overcome and mired in dullness and drowsiness … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced.

Furthermore, when your heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. Suppose there was a bowl of water stirred by the wind, churning, swirling, and rippling.Even a person with clear eyes checking their own reflection wouldn’t truly know it or see it. In the same way, when your heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced.

Furthermore, when your heart is overcome and mired in doubt … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. Suppose there was a bowl of water that was cloudy, murky, and muddy, hidden in the darkness. Even a person with clear eyes checking their own reflection wouldn’t truly know it or see it.

In the same way, there’s a time when your heart is overcome and mired in doubt and you don’t truly understand the escape from doubt that has arisen. At that time you don’t truly know or see what is good for yourself, good for another, or good for both. Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. This is the cause, brahmin, this is the reason why sometimes even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced.

There’s a time when your heart is not overcome and mired in sensual desire and you truly understand the escape from sensual desire that has arisen. At that time you truly know and see what is good for yourself, good for another, and good for both. Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced.

Suppose there was a bowl of water that was not mixed with dye such as red lac, turmeric, indigo, or rose madder. A person with clear eyes checking their own reflection would truly know it and see it. In the same way, when your heart is not overcome and mired in sensual desire … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced.

Furthermore, when your heart is not overcome and mired in ill will … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. Suppose there is a bowl of water that is not heated by a fire, boiling and bubbling. A person with clear eyes checking their own reflection would truly know it and see it. In the same way, when your heart is not overcome and mired in ill will … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced.

Furthermore, when your heart is not overcome and mired in dullness and drowsiness … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. Suppose there is a bowl of water that is not overgrown with moss and aquatic plants. A person with clear eyes checking their own reflection would truly know it and see it.

In the same way, when your heart is not overcome and mired in dullness and drowsiness … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. Furthermore, when your heart is not overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. Suppose there is a bowl of water that is not stirred by the wind, churning, swirling, and rippling. A person with clear eyes checking their own reflection would truly know it and see it.

In the same way, when your heart is not overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. Furthermore, when your heart is not overcome and mired in doubt … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. Suppose there was a bowl of water that was transparent, clear, and unclouded, brought into the light. A person with clear eyes checking their own reflection would truly know it and see it.

In the same way, there’s a time when your heart is not overcome and mired in doubt and you truly understand the escape from doubt that has arisen. At that time you truly know and see what is good for yourself, good for another, and good for both. Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced.

This is the cause, brahmin, this is the reason why sometimes even hymns that are long-unpracticed do spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced.

These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom.

What seven?

The awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity.

These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom.”

When he said this, Saṅgārava said to the Buddha,“Excellent, Master Gotama! …From this day forth, may Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”

In this teaching, the Buddha is giving visual analogies of the effects of the five hindrances on the mind. The five hindrances weaken the wisdom of the mind. The seven factors of enlightenment, on the other hand, strengthen the wisdom of the mind.

The Pali word: cetasā (which translates to with the ability of thought; thinking, intelligent) is being translated as heart. A literal translation of the word can be mind.

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