the_dunk_tank KurtVonnegut 3mo ago 100%

"Kamala Harris, the giggling fool, will doom America." - Br*tish Columnist for the Telegraph (and diehard Hillary supporter)

Full article:

Kamala Harris, the giggling fool, will doom America

In chasing Joe Biden out, the Democratic party has foisted an even worse candidate on voters.

Ever since that grim and surreal night in November 2016 when Trump beat Hillary Clinton, a tough and experienced political battleaxe who lost out to her loutish, unprofessional opponent largely on the grounds of being a competent woman, American politics have been unremittingly bleak.

In the face of the chilling spectre of Trumpite election denial and the violent, undemocratic Capitol riots, four years of Biden was supposed to have set a new tone. But the once-formidable politician made gaffe after gaffe from the start, gaffes so severe that his mental fortitude and cognitive health were always in question.

When he withdrew from Afghanistan by essentially handing over the keys to the Taliban, with a little nod and wink, it became clear that his approach to foreign policy was almost just as bad as his muddled speech. This has only become more troubling with his weaselly, Iran-enabling attitude to Israel in its hour of need.

With Biden dropping out of the race to beat a second Trump term, things could have finally begun to look up. A new contender might be a game-changer – Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, and the plucky Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

But no. It seems the Dems are entirely committed to their death spiral: in chasing the disastrous Biden out, they are now throwing their weight behind someone even worse: Kamala Harris.

In Harris, Biden’s choice of vice president was about as bad as they come. She ought to have been a good pick for running mate given the insanity of the race politics roiling America at the time. Harris is Jamaican-Asian, and the first woman to enter the Oval Office complex not as a spouse. She’s also a former attorney general of California.

Yet she has proved to be bewilderingly awful: rudderless, inchoate, and incredibly unlikeable. She was polling at 3 per cent before dropping out of the presidential race in 2020, before Biden took her as his running mate. “Fake”, “awkward”, “embarrassing”, even “downright evil” are some of the key terms that recur in opinion across the political spectrum about her.

Take this recent monstrosity, bad enough for a failing undergraduate zonked out on drugs, but unbelievable for an American VP. “Equality suggests often everybody should get the same thing well that often assumes everybody started out in the same place as opposed to equity which is everyone should end up in the same place,” she said in May. Come again?

Then there was Kamala on Covid, to the Today Show: “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day.”

Why, when put in charge of the borders in March 2021, did she fail to visit it for months? “I haven’t been to Europe.”

And so on. Yet the awful Democrat establishment can’t see its way past this person as its saving grace and light to the future. Which is why, of course, if opposed by Kamala, Trump will surely win and America will fall further into darkness and chaos.

[Perfect, no notes.]

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