
Polish cryptostamps, the new project of the Polish Post.


For whom, why, and for what purpose is questions yet to be answered (the speculative market of course lmao). But hey, let's hear from the horses mouth:

By issuing a crypto-stamp the Polish Post confirms both its commitment to the traditional role of postal service and, following in the footsteps of some similar organisations, uses modern technologies proving its openness and readiness for development and innovative solutions.

Solutions for what? Following the footsteps of what organisations? And most important of all, how is this innovative and what improvement does this provide to the operation of the postal service?

Polish Crypto Stamp transfers the field of philately to the digital world, referring to the achievements of the Postal Service and the development of Polish technical thought.

Why not spend that money to actually fund development of technical thought? How is this going to promote Polish achievements except in the wrong way?

Thanks to Crypto Stamp, traditional philately related to collecting, trading and exchanging stamps also becomes possible online on the blockchain by turning stamps into digital, collectible NFT tokens.

Don't get me wrong, the designs are pretty and I'm glad I can right-click myself a nice digital version, but my god I can't believe that out of all of the capitalists here it's the fucking postal service to do it. Wasted server space, hard drive space, resources, energy spent on powering the servers as well as the buildings they are in and on AC.

All I wanted to do was to send a package and not have my night ruined.

Continuing, who actually is behind this „crypto stamp”?

It's a company called ArchXS, which exists only since 2021, who also have a PDF presentation on their little project of crypto stamps, just overlook how quickly it was strewn together with no actual meaning and plenty typographical errors.

Their other projects include: Cryptonumisma, a newsletter and an issuer of NFT European collector's banknotes (how is this legal?). StockAmbit a crowdfunding investing group something(??) catering to cryptobros and their little shartups.

So essentially another cryptoscam, but this one is special and of note because it is in bed with the government and postal service. Despite the low price of entry (compared to other more popular NFTs) at 18,50zł this puts a lot of vulnerable people at risk of losing potentially a lot of money in the long run, by exposing them to, and actively promoting, this bullshit.

To say the least, I'm not very pleased. Can't wait for insider trading, NFT market manipulation and other stupid shit to happen.

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