
Twisters or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Climate Change and Love Geoengineering

Twisters or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Climate Change and Love Geoengineering

Alternative title 'Twister 2: Geoengineering can save lives and is good actually'.

That's all I have to report. I had no idea this 'sequel' to the 1996 film Twister was some light geoengineering propaganda. Weirdly, climate change isn't mentioned once (correct me if I'm wrong). Which begs the question, why even introduce the idea of geoengineering as a solution to your tornado problem? Oh right, to provide some meaning to your characters otherwise meaningless lives. 'We have to help the townspeople', 'I want to make a difference' blah blah blah. I'm sure I'm butchering the actual dialog.

The only returning 'character' is Dorothy the scientific tornado instrument (a term pinched from a google search which pinched it from some wiki).

The film could also work as a stand-in for a very boring country and western mix-tape (or spotify playlist). I don't remember the original films soundtrack being so dull.

This movie blows.

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