Linuxsucks madthumbs 2d ago 14%

Dishonest Claims

  • Lie: There are no good tiling Window Managers on Windows.

Komorebi is an excellent well documented dynamic tiling window manager in heavy development who's dev posts regularly on YouTube. -Before this, we had Workspacer which seems abandoned and not developed for Windows 11 (though it mostly works). GlazeWM is like a better version of I3 (manual tiler) for windows that has also seen great strides in recent development.

  • Lie: Windows is not customizable like Linux.

Windows isn't as easy to fuck up as Linux. -That doesn't make it 'not customizable'. Watch any of this guy's recent videos and see someone 'customizing' Windows in real time:

  • Lie: Linux is more secure and doesn't spy because 'all eyes on code'.

This is just basically unsubstantiated bullshit propaganda that doesn't appeal to common sense (try auditing Firefox source code, malicious code can be hidden and fragmented among multiple files/ directories, FOSS devs lack incentive for reputation and are held less responsible). Microsoft has been around since near the beginning of desktop computers and hasn't lost our trust or sold us into FEMA camps like those conspiracy theorists like to believe. FOSS is less secure because people (anyone) can read the source and more easily find vulnerabilities as opposed to paid auditors. The thing that 'might' make Linux safer is them having such a tiny market share on desktop that they're not a target for most bad actors. There have been decade old bugs found in major FOSS projects, multiple times Linux has been responsible for destroying hardware (without warranty - displays, optical drives and even mainboards), and all this kind of stuff can be found if people simply used a search before parroting false claims.

RE: "Microsoft found guilty" - Multi-national corporations find it better to just pay fines and follow directives rather than to employ legal teams to fit all the arbitrary laws of different countries (and still fail). Any large corporation like this will have lawsuits against them. People should likewise be holding governments responsible for oversites.

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