Humanity Fuck Yeah! theguyelsa 1y ago 100%

Love and Krieg - First Mission (Ch 1)

Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I am sharing the fanfic I loved here. I think it might be considered as HFY

Note: Love and Krieg is a collection of short vignettes born from the crazy minds and sappy hearts of a bunch of /tg/ anons tickled by the idea of a Krieger girlfriend. The stories detail the sometimes humorous, often heartwarming events in the relationship between an unnamed, well-meaning Imperial civilian and Krieger Female Model 68b #6345. Each story loosely constituted a date or some outing, most of them tying together without any strict sense of chronology. The end result was something magical, evoking a sense of idyllic innocence rarely found in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium.

I was once set up on a date with a Krieg chick on one of those dating websites. It was pretty weird to say the least. She showed up to my house at exactly seven in full combat gear, lasgun and gasmask included.

We went to dinner and she didn't even take her mask off, she just sat there at attention staring at me. I tried to talk to her but she would just nod at everything I say. Eventually our food came and she still didn't take off her mask but when I turned to look away for a second her food disappeared.

We went to a movie after that, she just sat there mask and all. However, I went to go the bathroom halfway through and she followed me out and stood guard outside the men's room. I think I heard her hitting someone who tried to come in but I am not sure. After the movie I decided to go home and on the car ride back tried to talk to her again and all she would do is nod. Before I went back inside my house we saluted each other, which frankly I have never done on a date in my life.

It gets even more strange. The next day after work I came home and found her standing in my living room. We saluted again. Apparently she had decided to move in as she had a backpack and duffel bag with her. She sleeps in my bed but she just lies there rigid with her lasgun at her side, I am never sure she is asleep anyways.

She always gives me rations to take with me to work and has rations ready for me at exactly six o'clock every evening. Of course, I am also pretty sure that she was the one who dug the trench around my house while I was at work this week.

I am not sure if I have a live-in girlfriend or a live-in soldier. Maybe both.

Sharing the source as per the rules - https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg

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