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[South Korea] People's Sovereignty Party (tentative name): inaugural declaration, direction and founding plan. "Establishing people's sovereignty, the most important and urgent task"

These articles are in Korean. I'm just going to share small portions of them (mainly the inaugural declaration) with machine translation + my slight editing. Please let me know if you spot translation errors. Additional links added to text by me for additional context.

July 17, 2023: Inaugural declaration of the People's Sovereignty Party (tentative name)

Let us impeach Yoon Seok-yeol with the power of a sovereign and open a new world

Towards ordinary people becoming the masters of politics

Today we are founding the People's Sovereignty Party for the direct politics of the sovereign people who realize the people's sovereignty. The People's Sovereignty Party will create a political party run by ordinary workers, farmers, self-employed people, small business owners, part-time workers, youth, and students through direct democracy in order to promote the sovereign people as the leading figures in politics.

People's Sovereign Democracy and Humanitarianism (홍익인간) (t/n: "홍익인간" "To broadly benefit the human world"; "Humanistic ideology, altruistic ethics, and worldly thinking"):

A country where the people are the masters and where the people live happily and prosperously is the aspiration of all of us.

Donghak revolutionaries who fought with the idea that people are heaven, ancestors who escaped Japanese colonial rule and fought for independence, people who dreamed of democracy and fought against military dictatorship, and people who held candles to correct injustice and create a proper country. The flow of history toward a new society continues today. What our people all unanimously desire is a people-sovereign democratic society where the people are truly the masters, and a humanitarian community society where everyone works for everyone.

There were people who claimed to be an alternative force and tried to create a new political party, but in the end [...] they disappointed the people time and time again.

Direct democratic politics led by the people is the most obvious alternative and the path to political reform.

The reason that established political forces are unable to push through reform to the end is partly because they prioritize their own vested interests and security, but also because they do not believe in the power of the people. Because they do not believe in the power of the people as sovereign, they become pro-Japanese, become flunkeys dependent on powerful countries, defect during the democratization movement, and become helpless politicians.

The People's Sovereignty Party will thoroughly realize the people's sovereignty and create a humanitarian community. We will liquidate pro-Japanese forces and conservative vested interests and thoroughly complete democratic reforms, including prosecution reform, media reform, and abolition of the National Security Act. We will also overcome extreme inequality and neoliberalism, and create a democratic community.

In an era of global crisis and extreme confrontation, we will boldly pursue independent diplomacy to protect the dignity of the people and national interests. We will engage in truly patriotic politics that will open the path to new hope and prosperity through peaceful unification that will end the era of division that has bound us. Additionally, as a member of the world, we will contribute to overcoming the climate crisis and creating a peaceful and democratic international order.

The People's Sovereignty Party will strengthen its members' meetings in every way possible, both online and offline, to make our party a party that studies, a party that discusses, a party that takes action, and a community that does good things, thereby creating a party that constantly innovates and develops.

August 17, 2023: The direction and founding plan of the People’s Sovereignty Party (tentative name)

[The party's proposed name] expresses the basic spirit that the people are the masters of the country and the masters of power. The official name of the party will be decided through all-party discussion at the founding committee stage.

Breaking away from the four major diplomacy centered on the United States and Japan, diversification of diplomacy in line with the multipolar era

Humanitarianism (홍익인간): ‘All for all’ (모든 사람이 모든 사람을 위하여). Humanitarianism, the spirit of our people, is an ideology that values ​​humanity and community. Throughout its long history, it has been passed down as the root of our nation's democratic spirit, penetrating throughout history, including Silhak, the Donghak Revolution (Innaecheon) (t/n: 인내천 (人 乃 天) "The people are heaven"), and the history of the independence movement. It is a mental asset that must be paid attention to in order to overcome today's extreme individual egoism and the law of the jungle society.

Succession and faithful implementation of inter-Korean agreements such as the 7.4 Joint Statement, 6.15 Joint Declaration, 10.4 Declaration, 4.27 Panmunjom Declaration, and 9.19 Pyongyang Declaration.

September 15, 2023: Establishing ‘people’s sovereignty’, the most important and urgent task

The Yoon Seok-yeol regime ignores the National Assembly, the institution that represents the people, and suppresses the opposition party, such as the invasion of the Democratic Party. [...] It is a dictatorship that views the people not as sovereign but as objects of domination.

In order for the people to fully exercise their sovereignty, the sovereignty of the country must be secured above all else. [...] Even today, popular sovereignty is being undermined as the Yoon Seok-yeol regime blindly follows the United States and Japan.

Korean politics has been dominated by vested interests rooted in the United States and Japan. This is a tragedy that began with the failure to liquidate pro-Japanese groups after liberation. The pro-Japanese faction, with the United States on its back, took advantage of the division to resurrect and seize power.

Popular sovereignty must be realized by the people themselves. Popular sovereignty means that the people have the rights as owners, but they also have the power to change and lead the country.

Reconciliation and unification of North and South Korea can create a significantly favorable environment for realizing popular sovereignty.

People's sovereignty can only be established by principled and consistent pursuit of peace, prosperity, and unification and by developing inter-Korean relations.

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