Cross-posted from: Apologies if cross-posting isn't appreciated, the RPG community is splintered enough over here that I'm never sure where to post things. > [![](]( > > I wrote this as part of the [CBR+PNK Jam](, and if people aren't familiar CBR+PNK is a super condensed Forged in the Dark one shot system where you play a group of cyberpunk operatives on their last run. > > Cloud Crawl was sort of an experiment to see if I could capture the sort of procedural generation depth crawl games (as epitomized in Stygian Library) in a small sized single pamphlet package. I'm pretty pleased with how it turns out, and I'm also pretty sure no one has ever done a depth crawl in a *binary tree* before (happy to be proven wrong here if someone can find an example!). > > [![]( > ![]( > ![](]( > > The game is half off this weekend for its launch, but I'm also keeping it fully stocked up with community copies for the time being so feel free to grab one for free if you want to take a look! >

Three Meads Bottled and Labeled!
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    The bochet and berry meads aren't doing anything super out of the ordinary (well, out of the ordinary if you're already caramelizing your honey) but the Strawberry Lemonade one is weird enough that I keep meaning to do a full write up about it.

    Just gotta actually get around to setting up a blog or website or something so I can host it someplace useful.

  • Three Meads Bottled and Labeled!
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Thank you! I have next to nil artistic ability, so I actually really surprised myself by managing to make something I actually liked with these labels.


    [![](]( I wrote this as part of the [CBR+PNK Jam](, and if people aren't familiar CBR+PNK is a super condensed Forged in the Dark one shot system where you play a group of cyberpunk operatives on their last run. Cloud Crawl was sort of an experiment to see if I could capture the sort of procedural generation depth crawl games (as epitomized in Stygian Library) in a small sized single pamphlet package. I'm pretty pleased with how it turns out, and I'm also pretty sure no one has ever done a depth crawl in a *binary tree* before (happy to be proven wrong here if someone can find an example!). [![]( ![]( ![](]( The game is half off this weekend for its launch, but I'm also keeping it fully stocked up with community copies for the time being so feel free to grab one for free if you want to take a look!


    We semi-recently got a corker which has let us move a bunch of our meads out of carboys and into bottles (and then boxes). It's extremely fun to be able to pull out a corked, labled bottle of mead at a gathering, just an extra bit of pizazz. Details of the labels. ![]( **Burnt Honey:** A bochet that's absolutely delicious, but a bit too sweet to drink a lot of. The yeast simply gave up partway through the fermentation (I assume due to the hilariously high SG) and rather than restart it we decided to lave it as is. **The Hard Way:** Elderberry + Blueberry mead, nicely aged, lightly backsweetened, balanced with a bit of acid. Tastes shockingly similar to cranberry juice. Hence the name, a bunch of effort and a year of time to create something that you could get a similar end point to with cranberry juice and vodka. Still super nice to drink. **Summer Lovin':** Fast turnaround mead made with fermenting juiced strawberries with the honey, then filtering *immediately* after primary, and backsweetening/flavoring with "oleo saccharum" and some citric acid. Extremely tasty, excellent summer drink, we liked it so much we've made two batches of it. Best part is that total time from start to bottle is under a month. All of these were filtered using plate filters down to the "semi-filtration" level, which appears to be enough to stabilize them for back sweetening! My theory is that although the "semi-filtration" of about half a micron can't promise it removes all bacteria, *yeast* tends to be significantly larger and is removed without issue. At the very least we've had no bottle bombs yet. To explain why there's a bee in a garbage can, "Garbo" was a combined last name me and my wife were throwing around as a possibility when we were getting married. The name was veto'ed, but we kept it as our "meadery" name, and since it brought to mind a little Garbage Bee that's what I doodled as our logo. It stuck as a theme after that.

    Wingspan publisher Stonemaier Games’ next board game is full of bees
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Yeah, I don't know if that tracks. Wingspan has sold more than 1.3 million copies (as of September 2021) which is way way way more than the average board game sells.

    I'd far more believe that they couldn't keep up with production than they were intentionally limiting supply.

  • [Roll of Law] The ORC License: Worse than the OGL
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I will strongly recommend people interested in open licenses look to the existing, more mature licenses, Creative Commons in particular.

    The "unresolvable problems" that Paizo ran into with CC are actually very resolvable. If you don't want a sticky, viral license, use CC-BY. If you do want a sticky license, but not for your whole game, split out a separate SRD and put that under CC-BY-SA.

  • Fresh batch of limoncello and lemon peel powder.
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Ooo, fantastic. I've been doing sugar extractions of lemon zest for a mead recently, and we tried drying and blitzing the zests after filtering.

    For us the powder was nice (partly because it got a bit candied during the process) but fairly mild in taste. I think it could still absolutely be fun to use to sprinkle on desserts of drinks, for visuals if nothing else.


    Somehow my 4 year old phone's camera doesn't look as nice. A complete mystery.

    Cairn 2e Playtest
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    The nice part is that (almost) nothing in the actual rules is changing. Instead it's clarified rules, expanded explanations, extra options, character backgrounds a la Electric Bastionland, and such.

    It's not replacing 1E, it's just more of it.

    Plus a nice to hold hardcover print, for those of us that have a sickness where the only cure is more nice looking TTRPG books to put on our shelves.

  • Any experience running short games for teens?
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Also if you use The Estate box set you have a nice, episodic little campaign pre-built for Mausritter. It's a small hex crawl with a bunch of pamphlet adventures scattered around them, complete with hooks to tie them all together.

    Might be a good ongoing structure, especially if you have an inconsistent group, or intend to be swapping GMs periodically.

  • How to backsweeten naturally?
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I'd love to do so, but the price seems to jump up by an order of magnitude and it's difficult to justify. I'll probably be trying a combo of filter + sulfites going forward.

  • How to backsweeten naturally?
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Having recently tried the filtering thing, it's still a roll of the dice unless you're using the much more expensive professional grade filters.

    It does get your mead clear as hell though, and removes a ton of off flavors.

  • Coffee station featuring the Cafelat Robot
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Our kettle actually partially died a few months ago, had a long debate about what we should replace it with before I realized the contacts on the base had just gotten bent out of place.

    A buddy of mine printed the robot mittens for me, and even managed to track down a paint that nearly perfectly matches the color. I absolutely love them. How do you like the metal ones?

  • Coffee station featuring the Cafelat Robot
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Nice! A surprising amount of overlap with out own coffee station!

  • Gonzo Madness!
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I ran the first level of ASE (plus the gatehouse mini level) using a slightly modified Electric Bastionland a while ago. We had a great time, super fun to explore. But when my players find a way down to the second floor and I read ahead to see what was coming up it got, for my money, a bit too ridiculous.

    We talked it over as a group and ended up dropping the campaign to do something else.

    What we played was a ton of fun, and just that first book is a very significant chunk of dungeon crawling, but I just didn't want to run the weird clowns and such that the second floor introduces. Went from wacky and fun, to just over the top weird.

    My one criticism of the first floor is that most of the "factions" are intrinsically hostile and non-trivial to try and communicate or parlay with. Sort of ran against the the usual mega-dungeon faction play, but it wasn't hard to tweak on the fly to make things work better.

  • rpg
    rpg 1y ago
    How many RPG books are too many?
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I've almost certainly go too many books, but for me RPG books are two things:

    • Something I do or plan to use the actual contents of. Whether that be rules, tools, or adventures.
    • Physical objects that are nice to look at and hold.

    Happily the indie RPG scene is very good at making books that cover both of those categies. I will once in a while go through the collection and give away books that I both don't think I'll ever use, and also aren't nice enough as objects to be worth keeping around.

    I also have a number of magazine bins filled with zines, which I love but also desperately needs to be pared down.

    Also because I will take any opportunity to share a shelfie:

    Desk RPG shelf of "close to hand" stuff (and also tall books because they don't fit on the other shelves).

    Ancillary bookshelf of RPG stuff:

  • Help with coffee cultural confusion
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    From my understanding espresso beans do tend to be roasted darker to help increase extraction. I know that at least for my manual espresso press I need to use a significantly different recipe to get a nice shot out of light roasted beans.

    Broadly though, I do think the cultural idea of espresso is that it's a small, super intense cup of coffee which in turn implies it being very bitter as that's the main coffee flavor people can imagine being intensified. Especially when you consider that a lot of people's idea of espresso likely comes from pod machines which, in my experience, tend to make very bitter shots.

    I was genuinely shocked the first time I had a shot of a espresso from an actual coffee shop and the predominant flavor was sour not bitter.

    So, yeah, I do think it's very common for people to associate espresso with dark and bitter coffee.> I said it sounds like you just haven’t had good espresso

    Edit: FWIW, if you're looking to actually talk to someone about all this, lines like, "I said it sounds like you just haven’t had good espresso," is not a great way to engender a good conversation.

  • Peach Strawberry Dry Mead
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    When in doubt, age it out!

    Alternatively you could consider back sweetening, or oaking, to add some extra flavor that might counterbalance it some.

  • Zero Aged Filtered Strawberry Mead
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I used Lalvin 71b, and a couple days after pitching it occurred to me that this would have been a great opportunity to use something more suited to purpose.

    Honestly different yeasts is something I haven't really dug into much yet, although I want to. Currently I just have a big stash of 71b and default to that for every mead.

  • rpg
    rpg 1y ago
    The flaw with Mark of the Odd games
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I guess the question is whether your goal is to make all three stats equally useful, or to make sure the attribute damage mechanic is used equally on all three stats.

    If it's the former then increasing the utility of the other two stats with initiative, magic, dodging, etc. would be a good way to go.

    If it's the latter then making sure enemies have a wide variety of attacks works. Psychic/psionics, poison, ensnaring, soul damage, etc. would all help.

  • I plan to do a full write-up about this mead and brew once I go through the backsweetening/balancing process, but I thought this was interesting enough to share as is. The plan was to make a low ABV, quick turnaround strawberry lemonade mead to have on tap for the summer. For a ~6.5 gallon batch I used a full pallet of strawberries juiced into 7.14lbs of juice, and 9.68lbs of honey (really just the rest of the honey in the bucket). Low starting OG of 1.057 which fermented down to 0.994 in 11 days. I wanted to see if the combo of low ABV and aggressive filtering would let me skip out on any of the aging process. Before it'd even fully finished blubbing, I ran it through a series plate/disk filters. The image shows, from left to right, Original -> Clarifying (5-7um) -> Polishing (1-2um) -> Semi-Sterilizing (~0.5um). Taste at each stage: Undrinkable -> Bad -> Pretty Good -> Shockingly Clean Most of the strawberry flavor was sadly left behind, but I think that was true even before the filtering. Left with a nice strawberry aroma and a hint of the taste in a very smooth, if lacking in depth and complexity, mead. My conclusions from this is that filtering bypasses the "suck less" part of aging, where off flavors are removed, but (obvious in retrospect) does nothing to build character and complexity. I now plan to backsweeten using a batch of lemon oleo saccharum I made, sour it with citric acid, and potentially add some strawberry concentrate to bump up the strawberry flavor. I'll bottle some to see how actual aging treats it, and put the rest on tap to enjoy this summer.

    rpg 1y ago
    The flaw with Mark of the Odd games
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    Although I do like applying damage to other stats where appropriate, I don't actually think you need to if what you're worried about is balancing them.

    STR is the more important attribute if you're consistently getting into combat. All these games share an ethos that combat shouldn't be a hugely frequent thing at the table. In that context, the stats are a lot more "balanced". DEX is by far the most called for Save, in my experience, plus it's how you go first in combat.

    WIS/CHA is a little trickier, depending on your individual campaign. Although in Mausritter specifically casting spells can cause WIL damage.

    FWIW this is something I grappled with a bit for my own Odd/Cairn hack (slightly exacerbated by some other rules changes), and I eventually came to the conclusion that I didn't need rules changes to fix it. The only thing I really plan to do is make sure the included bestiary includes examples of damage to other attributes.

  • Game System Recommendations
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I've written a couple similar posts recently, so I'll consolidate those and add a few more. Apologies for any overlap with existing comments here.

    Into the Odd is the epitome of rules light, striped down ,classic DnD. How many rules can you remove and still retain a playable game and the classic adventuring feel? Turns out most of them! This game has spawned a truly absurd amount of hacks, and if you sit down to read and play ITO you'll see why. The physical copy of the remastered edition is a gorgeous little book as well.

    Electric Bastionland is the bigger, younger sibling of Into the Odd. Written by the same author it takes the same core ruleset (with a tiny number of tweaks) and places it into a somewhat absurdist, wonderfully inventive, urban setting. This book is fantastic on many levels, including the unbelievable amount of artwork. Each of the more than 100 Failed Careers has its own piece, and the entire thing serves as a de-facto world-building section alongside its role in character creation. Also includes, in my opinion, the single best collection of GMing advice you can get in a physical book.

    Cairn is one of the many aforementioned hacks of Into the Odd, but also pulls in the itemized inventory and character generation tables of Knave. If you want a quick to pick up and play system that pairs nicely with all those OSR modules you've been collecting but haven't run, this is for you. It is not mechanically, directly compatible with b/x stat or adventure, but the dead simple framework makes it extremely easy to convert things on the fly (or just use the large, and growing, list of pre-conversions for various modules. It's garnered a huge community and spawned its own set of hacks.

    Mausritter is an ITO hack in a similar space as Cairn, but you're playing as tiny mice adventuring in a big and dangerous world. The physical version has super fun cards to use with the slot based inventory, and the digital version is totally free. I've found this to be a great gateway (or long term stay!) for the N/OSR space because it's very easy for people to get into the proper headspace. It makes sense to run away from danger, come up with clever plans to ambush dangerous foes, sneak rather than fight, etc... you're a tiny mouse! Also if any of your players were into Redwall as kids this will be an easy pitch.

    Mothership RPG is a sci fi horror game in the vein of Alien. It has a number of fantastic modules to play, both first party and written by the large and very active community it has fostered. Simple core rules, and great if you're looking to run a one shot where you expect your players to either lose their minds or get eaten by a monster by the end of the session.

    Wolf-Packs & Winter Snow is a prehistoric roleplaying game. Fascinating ideas, really cool setting, a neat loop of hunting and gathering to sustain your tribe (you get XP when something you've hunted is eaten, not just killed). Magicians don't have spellbooks, they have spell locations. I have sadly not actually run or played this one, but it's such a fun thing to read.

    Troika! is an off the wall, somewhat absurdist science fantasy RPG. It has, the core book especially, the best short form, expressive, writing that manages to imply a grand complex setting in a tiny space. Many of the first and third party supplements are also great, I'll specifically recommend Acid Death Fantasy for a tripped out Dune experience or Very Pretty Paleozoic Pals for playing as actual dinosaurs this book is great. The actual ruleset of Troika! is not for me, but I've run plenty of fantastic sessions using it and I love, love, love the writing, art, and settings.

    MÖRK BORG is the art-punk, heavy metal, apocalyptic fantasy game. This book gets a lot of attention (and sometimes flak) for it's dense and complex art and layout, for good reason the book is gorgeous to flip through, but it also contains a nicely working core of rules light d20 gameplay. It also contains The Calendar of Nechrubel, where at irregular points in your game (the rough frequency decided by the table at the start) a new misery occurs, plunging the cursed world into further darkness. When the seventh, and final, misery occurs the world, the game, and your lives end. You are instructed to burn the book. Which all means you get to drive your characters like stolen cars, the world's ending anyway!

    CY_BORG is the cyberpunk version of the above, and trades a dying fantasy world for a chrome and neon corporate dystopia.

    Blades in the Dark has you playing as a gang of scoundrels in a Dishonored-esque whale oil powered city besieged by ghosts beneath a sky filled by a dead sun and a shattered moon. It's got a compelling core loop of going on missions, getting stressed out on those missions, indulging your vices to relieve that stress, getting into trouble because you overindulged, and then needing to go on more jobs to get cash to dig yourself out of that trouble. Going on big heists, and do flashbacks Oceans 11 style to do a dramatic reveal of a hidden aspect of your plan.

    Scum and Villainy is Forged in the Dark but you're a crew on a space ship plying your way in a sci fi galactic sector. Variably Star Wars, Firefly, or Cowboy Bebeop depending on your choice of starting ship, and the direction you take the game.

    CBR+PNK is another Forged in the Dark game, but compacted into a set of pamphlets where you take the role of cyberpunk runners performing one last job before retirement (or before one last attempt at revenge).

    Tunnel Goons is extremely easy to pick up and play, endlessly mod-able and flexible. There are gobs of hacks of this game floating around, and it's easy to see why.

    Maze Rats is a classic quick to pick up system. Compact, with a wonderful set of tables that are useful even if you don't end up playing the game.

    The Black Hack (or a physical copy) is a nice, rules light take on classic d20 fantasy adventuring, complete with the traditional classes of Warrior, Thief, Cleric, and Wizard.

    The Whitehack a super interesting take on old school play. The base classes are extremely flexible and interesting. Roll a d20 under attribute and over AC for combat. This game has possibly the highest density of good ideas to steal, even if I find some of the text a little obtuse (the newer editions are better about this).

    Macchiato Monsters is a more flexible, open ended mashup of the above two games. Flexible, "build your own character" classes system, and I hope you like usage dice (or risk dice, whatever you want to call them), because they're everywhere here.

    Self Promo Zone

    I've got two work in progress games of my own.

    Brighter Worlds (online SRD here) is my more light-hearted, whimsical take on the N/OSR space, through the lens of Evlyn Moreau's fantastic artwork. It's a hack that combines Electric Bastionland, Cairn, and Macchiato Monsters but worked into a form with what I'm calling "modular crunch". It's meant for GMs (like myself) that want super simple core rules, but with players that might want something more crunchy, with more levers to pull at the table. Each of the Callings has their own set of modular rules that (if I've done my job correctly) no one else at the table has to understand, avoiding combinatorial complexity of teaching the game, and the GM just needs to give a thumbs up or thumbs down once in a while. Many of the Callings are fairly open ended and require buy in and interpretation on the part of the player and table, so it's not for everyone.

    Meteor (online SRD here) is my more straightforward hack of Cairn. It ostensibly exists because I wanted to run Mothership modules with Into the Odd rules, but its started to expand a bit in scope from that point. It takes a slightly more golden age, pulp sci fi tone, and (like Cairn) does not have mechanical compatibility with Mothership but should be very easy to convert on the fly as needed.

    I could probably keep going with with more systems, and don't even get me started on the similar question but for modules, but at some point I've got to cut myself off and get actual work done.

    Please let me know if I've made any errors or have any broken links.

    Edit: Totally did not realize which community I was in while writing this comment, whoops. I can remove the non-OSR/NSR systems if we'd like to keep the discussion a bit more focused.

  • A basic mead primer
  • AwkwardTurtle AwkwardTurtle 1y ago 100%

    I honestly haven't really done much stabilizing because I like my meads dry, so I don't bother backsweetening. From my research KSorb/KMeta is your best as a home brewer, but it has some pitfalls.

    Filtering is sorta a huge pain in the ass, and like I said doesn't even guarantee stabilization unless you go for the professional grade equipment with the "absolute" filter ratings which is pretty dang expensive. Plus you'll need either pressure, a pump, or gravity and a lot of patience to get it through the smallest sized filters.

    My filtering was done with the fairly inexpensive plate filters with "nominal" size ratings, which means it doesn't promise it's actually getting everything.

    I think fining plus just waiting a very long time for things to settle out gets you about as good of an outcome as filtering, as far as clarity and taste goes, but I'm still experimenting so I can't say for sure.

  • Me and my wife originally tried smoking our own bacon out of sheer novelty after finding out we could buy whole pork bellies at costco. It then turned out so good we've kept up with making a new batch anytime we run out. Not pictured: trimming the pork belly small enough to fit in a vacuum bag, coating it with a curing mix (borrowed from [this Kenji video]( on pancetta), vacuum sealing, and keeping under weights in the fridge for a week. On the smoker: ![]( "Pork belly on a smoker with temperature probe inserted.") Sliced: ![]( "Large pile of uncooked, sliced bacon.") Packed up: ![]( "Six white paper wrapped packages labeled: 1 lb Bacon 06/14/23") The off cuts on a "whatever's in the fridge" sandwich: ![]( "Toasted sandwich cut in two, filled with bacon, red onions, peppers, cheese, and pesto")


    Got them out of the ground to make room for the peppers to go in. Looking forward to making a bunch of toum, garlic fermented honey, and whatever else we can think of to try and use them all this year.


    My wife and I recently got a charcoal smoker/grill after our old bullet smoker finally rusted through. It came with a pizza oven attachment and we've been slowly perfecting our dough and cooking techniques. The combo of sourdough and high temperature baking produces the exact sort of crispy, chewy, slightly charred pizza experience I crave. We're constantly rotating through different topping combos (and begging friends to come over so we can make more pizza without having to gorge ourselves). Favorite so far is probably the spicy honey aged garlic pizza, but it's all been fantastic. Any got any good pizza topping suggestions? Unusual options especially appreciated.
