[WR] 3x3x3 OH 5.66 single by Dhruva Sai Meruva.
  • Emanuel Emanuel 2w ago 100%

    Quite a sizeable jump from the last record

    Edit: though a bit sad to see this done with CFOP. I do not personally use Roux, but I liked that the previous record was set with it. I think the method deserves to grow

  • Have you ever dreamed about cubing?
  • Emanuel Emanuel 2w ago 100%

    Considering how much of my free time I spend cubing (a big chunk), I always found it weird that my dreams are not full of cubing as well. I have dreamt of cubing once; I remember doing F2L really efficiently, but that's about it. Nothing interesting or out of the ordinary, so this may be an unsatisfactory answer for you.

  • Contas XMPP para todos! @lemmy.eco.br
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Acho que foi isso, porque abri o aplicativo agora e já estava logado. Obrigado pela atenção, em qualquer caso, e pela excelente manutenção dos servidores e respectivos serviços

  • Contas XMPP para todos! @lemmy.eco.br
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Pra mim, não rolou. Suspeito que tenha a ver com o fato de o XMPP ou o próprio Conversations não permitir maiúsculas, e o meu usuário conter uma


  • Unlimited Storage
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Such a great channel

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Finally got around to reading this. And, yeah, as always, what I thought has always been thought of before, and better written also

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Something you said that really resonated with me is, besides the experience with psychedelics, the way that people will treat you as a conspiracy theorist for deviating from the "correct" frame. I think this is a major barrier for escaping the neoliberal narrative, as it is very natural for us to try to fit in, to not be weird, to be accepted. Nobody wants, at face value, to be the loony commie and ostracised.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Ah, yes, of course. I specified western because I had in mind certain people I've seen using lemmy, as I mentioned in the OP, which, as far as I've gathered, is populated mostly by westerners.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    I think it makes sense in their head that there exists a dichotomy between left and right (restricted to liberal/conservative in a very US-centric way) and that they are on the left of that spectrum. Then, being "as left as can be" is a matter of being more what they consider left, which, indeed, they are.

    God, I forgot how annoying I find this phrasing they adopt, especially when you know they haven't done the least bit of reading to inform their opinions.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    A bit unrelated, but this made me laugh out loud. Maybe this won't make sense to you, but there's this game called Victoria 2 (seems somewhat popular on hexbear) where the people can manifest different ideologies, and then there's the more radical equivalent for each. Like, communists for the socialists, reactionaries for the conservatives etc. They made up what they called anarcho-liberals for balance reasons, in order to make the liberals have their radical versions in-game, and your comment made me think of categorising these so-called anarcho-liberals as radlibs.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Hmmm. This is something I would call Western chauvinism, but I guess you gave it a more generalised definition.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Feel free to, but be aware that it's much smaller than hexbear and you'll have to speak Portuguese lol

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Huh, maybe. I do see the tendency for them to try to dunk on "tankies" and feel good about it, though I would argue this is normal for any group of people trying to fit in with each other.

    I find it silly, though, that they feel it's important and has real material impact in the world to wear the Ukrainian flag on their handles and other such shenanigans. Like they're speaking truth to power, only there's no power that represses them.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Thanks for the thoughtful comment. This is something I consider myself, seeing as I live a somewhat okay life and things like revolution and civil war would certainly destabilise that. But I don't know if most people would have this level of self awareness; at least, not on a conscious level. I think the libs you are referring to would not be able to articulate fully that the status quo benefits them and that is enough to warrant their support. No, what bothers me, I think, is that there is no such recognition, only proclamations of submission to greater ideals, such as democracy, freedom and, of course, the very recent and not nearly far-reaching enough LGBTQ rights. In this sense, I almost find fascists more tolerable, because they at least seem self aware and honest about their intentions (when talking to each other, at least).

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    The moral imperative of these people is always supporting NATO hegemony as global peacekeepers, so fuck other countries' interests and alliances.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Most do realise this. Most are oriented this way.

    I do know most people are aware of this tactic. But I feel I also encounter people who are similar to ultras in the sense that they defy everyone, be it the US, China, Russia or whatever, but end up inadvertently (I think) focusing their attacks on opponents of the US, be they communists or not.

    I think I know a lib when I see one. I am referring to people who say "Fuck the CCP, fuck the US" and truly believe in what they are saying, and then end up online attacking mostly the former out of some gullible principle.

    Maybe you're right and the people I'm describing don't exist, or are so few in number as to be irrelevant. But a lib makes more sense to me than these people.

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    I usually "hang out" (lurk) more on hexbear than on my home instance, but the folks at lemmy.eco.br are usually cool as well

  • On tankies and online discourse about them
  • Emanuel Emanuel 1mo ago 100%

    Also the logic behind "communism no iphone"

  • I'm not one to post often. I'm not really one to rant to strangers online often, even. But, after migrating from r*ddit to lemmy, I've had this on my mind and this seemed like the place to vent. I see discourse about tankies constantly on Lemmy. This struck me as odd. Why are these so called tankies such a threat? Why do I see people calling themselves left-wing and attacking tankies more voraciously than neoliberals and, sometimes, even fascists? I think I know the answer, just as well as most people who will read this. These are the Zizeks of the world: people who do indeed think in a left-wing oriented way, but fail to recognise that they're also Western to the core and the biases that come with that. I sincerely care about this much less than the actual reason I'm making this post. That is: why don't these people notice that their talking points, left-oriented as they may seem, always end up supporting US allies or attacking US enemies? I mean, do these people not see that Ukraine winning the war is a boon to the US, regardless of who is "right" in that conflict? Many other such cases, but I think I've made my point, or, rather, my confusion, clear. That's it. That's the post.


    Tentei fazer upload de uma imagem através de vários frontends (Thunder no Android, Photon e frontend default no browsee) de uma imagem nos comentários. Ela não ultrapassa o limite de 640kB. Existe alguma restrição nesse servidor de upload em comentário? Imaginei que talvez houvesse para barrar spam

    cubers Emanuel 10mo ago 84%
    First MagLev cube?

    I was wondering earlier today what were the first cubes to achieve some milestones, such as the Guhong with torpedoes and such. After a quick search, it appears to me that the first cube to implement MagLev as the default was the MoYu Weilong WR M 2021, but I couldn't find any authoritative source on that, so I'm just left wondering. Is anyone aware of any earlier cubes that implemented this technology? Also, what is your earliest bought speedcube? It's pretty crazy to compare my Zhanchi to a WRM V9 in 2024, especially with remembering how stickered cubes were the norm back then.

    Pirataria Emanuel 1y ago 85%

    Sempre vejo gringos falando de usenet e como é uma alternativa boa aos torrents… Falando como alguém que cresceu com torrents: alguém aqui tem experiência com a tal usenet? Onde acho um guia simples mas completo para o uso e desfruto da usenet no Brasil (não necessariamente em português)?


    So, I've been to my first comp (yay) and one of the events was one-handed. Now, I don't really practice the event that much, so I just kind of winged it and was happy to get a best time of 34 seconds. I think this has got me invested in the event, so, rather than using the same cube for both regular 3x3 and OH, I'd rather have a looser, smaller cube for that. What are some of the best recommendations for a small 3x3 (like between 50mm and 54mm) in the current year?


    Peço perdão ao time de moderação se não for o local adequado para perguntar isso. Também já adianto que não sou da computação, então posso estar me preocupando com um problema inexistente. Conforme eu uso mais o Lemmy e vejo as comunidades que sigo crescerem, fico pensando em quão eficiente é o uso de recursos das instâncias individuais. Com isso, quero dizer: pelo que entendo, quando eu, usuário do lemmy.eco.br, me inscrevo em determinada comunidade em outra instância, uma cópia é criada no servidor de que meu usuário é nativo. Os posts, comentários e, mais importantemente, arquivos e imagens associados são clonados também, pelo que entendi. Li em algum lugar que são 20 (ou um número qualquer, mas não todos) os posts copiados quando algum usuário se inscreve numa comunidade "nova" para a instância de que ele é nativo (significando: ele é o primeiro usuário da instância que se inscreve naquela determinada comunidade que está baseada em outra instância), o que deve ajudar um pouco, mas talvez isso nem seja o caso, já que foi só algo que li por aí. Sei que a instância só vai fazendo cópias conforme os usuários se inscrevem por aí, então não existe uma cópia de todo "lemmyverso" em todas as instâncias, ao que entendo. Isso também exclui instâncias desfederadas, imagino. Ainda assim, imagino que o uso dos recursos aumenta bastante conforme mais usuários participam, especialmente os chamados power users, que se inscrevem em múltiplas comunidades e obrigam a instância de origem a fazerem cópias de diversas comunidades. Outra questão que pensei diz respeito a usuários inativos. Se alguém cria uma conta, se inscreve em determinada comunidade em que nenhum usuário da instância tenha se inscrevido antes e deixa de acessar a conta, esse usuário está criando um gasto à instância desnecessariamente. Tendo em mente essas considerações e que eu talvez nem saiba do que estou falando, gostaria de saber o parecer de vocês, especialmente a administração da instância, sobre o que eu falo. Estou falando groselha? Entendi errado como funciona o Lemmy? E, se não, é sustentável um servidor que funcione nessa lógica a longo prazo? Existe algum "prazo" para deletar conteúdo antigo, para ajudar com armazenamento? Agradeço desde logo a paciência com meu desconhecimento.
