196 6d ago
Professor Oak Rule
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 5d ago 100%

    Try and reformulate your sentences to circumvent the filter. Somehing like this can help, replaces the words with lookalike characters. Zalgo might also break it.

  • 196
    196 6d ago
    Professor Oak Rule
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 5d ago 92%

    No recognition for our fellow enbies. Oh yeah and GNC people as well. May seem silly to criticize them for that until you realize how long the Pokemon company has held out on Nonbinary recognition.

  • 196
    196 7d ago
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 6d ago 92%

    Who says you can't, I've done it before and it's fine, just gotta push the bits to the side or tuck them down below but it still works.

  • 196
    196 2w ago
    presses button rulepeatedly
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1w ago 100%

    I think you might still need to have HRT if you want the other effects of feminization HRT, like breasts. Might get you closer though.

  • 196
    196 2w ago
    presses button rulepeatedly
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1w ago 100%

    That would be neat, and would make dying it easier in some ways.

  • 196
    196 2w ago
    presses button rulepeatedly
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1w ago 100%

    Not exactly, just kinda got a lucky roll on the genetic lottery.

  • 196
    196 2w ago
    presses button rulepeatedly
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 2w ago 100%

    I don't think it's nearly as easy to become a perfect cute femboy, as it is to transition. I might be wrong but it's something you really need to get lucky with.

  • 196
    196 2w ago
    presses button rulepeatedly
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 2w ago 100%

    I'm already a cute femboy, I would want to be rich though.

  • 196
    196 1mo ago
    This rabbit isn't rule
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 4w ago 100%

    Not exactly a spectrum but there are modalities in-between or that are neither cis or trans i.e. Isogender, what I am.

  • 196
    196 1mo ago
    This rabbit isn't rule
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 4w ago 100%

    It's definitely more complicated than cis or trans being a binary, I should know since I'm Isogender, neither cis nor trans. Not sure if gender modality is a spectrum though.

  • Me be next
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 4w ago 100%

    Not exactly what I had in mind, especially since Jeff Bezos isn't a real great person.

  • Me be next
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1mo ago 100%

    Needs to be one that can fly, otherwise it's kinda a ripoff ya know.

  • Me be next
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1mo ago 100%

    Being a dragon would be so awesome, if only it were possible 😔

  • 196
    196 2mo ago
    School rule 👉👈
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1mo ago 100%

    Yeah she is a dummy, obviously believes strongly in gender stereotypes.

    Actually I feel like I remember reading a news story where boys at an actual private school started wearing skirts in the summer because it was so hot and the dress code didn't allow for shorts, it was both as a form of protest and just because it was too hot to comfortably wear pants. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/teenage-boys-wear-skirts-to-school-to-protest-against-shorts-ban-in-heatwave-b1887321.html

  • 196
    196 2mo ago
    School rule 👉👈
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1mo ago 100%

    Why is it phrased as a punishment? Nothing wrong with boys dressing feminine. More people should try it actually, skirts are surprisingly comfortable.

  • 196
    196 1mo ago
    Hey guys how are you
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 1mo ago 80%

    Gross, flair as NSFW or better yet, don't post this shit on a meme community in the first place.

  • The Paxiti classic
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 2mo ago 100%

    That is very true, there is no one universal experience. I didn't have a way of knowing for sure what the author's intent was since on it's own it could go either way and I have seen other people post messages that legitimately do claim to impose gender expectations on people in that kind of way. It's good to know that she didn't mean it that way, though it also is very sad that so many people continued to misinterpret her to the point that she had to stop posting.

  • The Paxiti classic
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 2mo ago 100%

    Something important to remember is that even though the intention with games like that is to identify with the character you're creating people don't often play games as they are intended (if they did would modding games be as popular as it is?). So the argument framed in the 4th panel, despite it being framed as invalid or shaky is actually a valid argument because if people are using mechanics in ways that aren't intended, then it's only natural this would be one of them. Let's face it, not everyone identifies with the characters in the game and they may want to satiate their attraction rather than to identify as the character, this is a common sentiment in 3rd person games where the character is being looked at from the outside, AKA a perspective that isn't you.

    Another thing about this is aesthetics, because people can like things that are seen as feminine without actually being girls, people like this who identify as male are femboys, and they are valid as they identify. Unfortunately most games out there which have the courtesy to offer the luxury of character creation, don't offer gender-nonconformity as well. So this is another reason to violate intended use case. So 2 and 3 are very much valid use cases.

    All in all this isn't the worst thing but I'm not really a fan. There's many reasons someone can use avatars in games that are different from their own sex and gender, the way this is framed makes it seem like it automatically means that you must be trans. In addition this mentality is a double standard since it obviously never applied to the many female gamers before gender selection was implemented as widely as it is now, I mean them playing as a boy doesn't make them a boy now does it. Also the attitude of "oh ho ho that's not very cis of you" does not come across as respecting the egg prime directive very much, but also at the same time doesn't come across as outright disrespecting it.

  • 196
    196 5mo ago
    Button Rule
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 5mo ago 100%

    It's also a gamble because you might get a painless one but also could get one that is insanely painful. Those odds aren't clearly defined and quantified like the button's odds.

  • 196
    196 5mo ago
    Button Rule
  • FMC8456 FMC8456 5mo ago 100%

    You either have a 99% chance of cashing out big but a 1% chance of dying horribly. What body part you press it with doesn't make a difference.

  • How to get out of an uncomfortable egg culture situation with this one simple trick. Real talk: Calling people eggs is a violation of the egg prime directive, and is considered invalidating as you are trying to say that a person is not the gender they identify as, that their identity is invalid. Don't call people eggs, like ever, it's extremely uncool.


    A very useful comeback to being called an egg. Decided to share it, as it can be quite useful to GNC and possibly even trans people who find themselves in this situation. Also a good thing of note is that calling people eggs is a violation of the egg prime directive, and is considered invalidating as you are trying to say that a person is not the gender they identify as, that their identity is invalid. Don't call people eggs, like ever, it's extremely uncool.
