the brain rot in this thread is real
  • KiraChats KiraChats 9mo ago 100%

    this thread is legit blowing my mind

  • the brain rot in this thread is real
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    The US was (and still is) ideologically aligned with the Nazis, and only joined WW2 in the 11th hour because Japan forced them to with the attack on Pearl Harbor. To think that the US "won the war" or should be uniquely congratulated for their contributions to the war is... absurd. If anyone should be awarded that honor, it's the Soviets.

    Edit: I really like this place. Yall taught me so much in the replies and it felt welcoming to learn it. This type of discourse seems so rare to find these days. Thank you comrades!

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Alleged Israeli strike on suburb of Beirut, Lebanon kills senior Hamas official Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri and at least four others. This will likely provoke a strong reaction out of Hezbollah.
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    If you've been paying attention to Israel's bombardment of Gaza, you know that Israel hasn't earned any significant military wins against the Palestinian resistance. It's honestly been humiliating for them, on top of the humiliation of Oct 7th. Israel has been overcompensating by obliterating Gazan lineages and planting Israeli flags into flattened blocks, but the IOF keeps getting beaten by the guerilla warfare of the resistance.

    Now, likely in an attempt to achieve SOME kind of military win, Israel has allegedly bombed a top Hamas leader in Beirut. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon, located in central Lebanon. This is a MAJOR escalation, both territorially and also symbolically.

    Note that the entire time Israel has been genociding Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, the zionist entity has also been bombarding southern Lebanon, killing civilians, journalists, and attacking medical centers there, to which Hezbollah has responded, but in a restrained fashion. That restraint will likely ebb considerably now.

  • Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri was the Deputy Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas. [Footage of the strike]( Hezbollah [statement]( in response: > We consider the assassination of Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri and his martyred companions in the heart of the southern suburb of Beirut a dangerous attack on Lebanon, its people, its security, its sovereignty, and its resistance. It carries deeply significant political and security messages and implications, and is a dangerous development in the course of the war between the enemy and the Axis of Resistance. > > We in Hezbollah affirm that this crime will undoubtedly not go unanswered and unpunished. Our resistance remains firm, proud, and faithful to its principles and commitments that it has made to itself, ready with its hand on the trigger and its fighters at the highest level of readiness and preparedness.


    cross-posted from: > Alt text: Screengrab from Star Trek: TNG showing Data saying to Picard "the Irish Unification of 2024"


    Alt text: Screengrab from Star Trek: TNG showing Data saying to Picard "the Irish Unification of 2024"

    "As a leftist who supports military action in Gaza" smuggest son of a gun on the planet.
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    As a leftist who supports military action in Gaza

    My entire circle is fairly progressive


  • chat
    chat 10mo ago
    Have you guys ever seen someone shit themselves in school or anything outrageous like that? Share your stories here
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    When I was little, I went to summer camp where we used an outhouse for a bathroom. The camp counselor sleeping in our cabin said that we weren't allowed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without waking her so she could accompany us.

    One night I desperately had to pee but I didn't want to wake the counselor because I didn't want to be a burden, so I held it as long as I could then just grabbed a towel and peed on that and threw it in the corner of the cabin, then went back to bed. The next day, one of the girls was like “does it smell like pee in here?” and was just like “uhh I dunno”... I wonder if she figured it out.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    South Africa has applied for the International Court of Justice to go after Israel
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    sigh At least it's on the books

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    South Africa has applied for the International Court of Justice to go after Israel
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    Ah, thank you for the education! Is the ICJ connected to the ICC? I'm looking to edit the post to be more accurate. I'm thinking:

    Title: South Africa has applied for the International Court of Justice to go after Israel

    Description: Same as before with the addendum: thank you to SoyViking for education in the comments (then paste your comment)

    Edit: ok I updated it, let me know if this makes you uncomfortable or anything and I'll happily change it <3 and once again, thank you for the education

  • [PDF]( Note that the USA is not a member of the International Criminal Court. And in 2002, the USA passed [The American Service-Members' Protection Act]('_Protection_Act) (known informally as the "Hague Invasion Act"), wherein the USA authorized itself to order military action (including invading the Netherlands where the Hague is located) to protect and free Americans and their allies (including Israel) from custody. It's why George W Bush doesn't fear ICC consequences for his war crimes. ----- Edit: I originally had the title as "South Africa has applied for the International Court of Justice (colloquially known as 'The Hague' to go after Israel" but [SoyViking provided me with education in the comments]( on why this is not *entirely* accurate, as well as elucidated some important distinctions between the ICJ and ICC: > Sorry for being a nerd but the International Court of Justice, while also being situated in the Hague, is a different body than the International Criminal Court, which is colloquially called the Hague. > > The ICJ dates back to the League of Nations and adjudicates international law disputes between sovereign states, meaning that only states can be parties in cases heard by the ICJ. Their ability to actually enforce their rulings are limited and it is completely possible for states, especially those of the International Community, to go "no that's bollocks" and ignore their decisions. > > The ICC is a much more recent invention. They adjudicate criminal cases against individuals. Their actual powers are more tangible than those of the ICJ. If the ICC issues an arrest warrant against someone there's a decent chance that member states of the ICC will actually arrest that individual and extradite them to the Hague. Once there, people who are convicted actually goes to real jail. This is also the reason for the American "Hague Invasion Act" that is an explicit threat that if an American war criminal is extradited to the ICC, the evil empire will invade the Netherlands to break him out of jail.

    Check-In Thread: How Are You Doing, Comrade?
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    This is such a kind idea for a thread, thank you for making it ❤

  • Check-In Thread: How Are You Doing, Comrade?
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    My ex family, i miss them a little, but if they're so shit they're cutting me off just for being vegan like, good riddance

    This whole story is so fucked, I'm SO sorry you were treated like that. I'm vegan and I'm so tired of all the little jokes and the random snark and the hostility, carnists being offended by my just existing in front of them and daring to live according to my values. When I first went vegan, my then bf (no longer) was personally offended by my veganism, insisting I did it to disrespect him. It's amazing how so much shit can simmer under the surface until you decide to publicly take a stand for an exploited group.

    when the abuse or neglect is subtle, it's harder to spot and heal from. It just feels like something is slightly wrong with you because everyone is treating you different. Meanwhile it's easy to say the other more extreme trauma that happened to me was traumatizing and point out why.

    I relate to this so hard. ❤

  • Check-In Thread: How Are You Doing, Comrade?
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    Ugh I'm so sorry. ❤️

  • "Words of Iron" is an Israeli propaganda app for social media brigading, where users are fed zionist posts to boost & anti-zionist posts to report
  • KiraChats KiraChats 10mo ago 100%

    You're so sweet! Tbh I don't know if there's a future for me in streaming. Streaming these days feels so uncomfortable for me since so much of my income at this point comes from the same people whose voices im trying to amplify. Plus the CONSTANT harassment campaigns (usually launched by the same fashy people I used to run with back in my edgier days). Plus McCarthyism (like the ban I'm fighting rn). Plus the nonstop sexism. I'm tired.

  • [Nitter]( Alt text: Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken This has been an extraordinarily dangerous year for press around the world. Many killed, many more wounded, hundreds detained, attacked, threatened, injured simply for doing their jobs. I am profoundly grateful to the press for getting accurate, timely information to people. 9:08 AM 28 Dec 23 - 123K Views


    The "Words of Iron" app gives zionists one centralized hub to promote posts that support Israel by increasing their engagement (including by pasting pre-written comments) while directing users to anti-zionist posts to report in an effort to get the post or the poster removed from the internet. It's a zionist brigading app. [Archived "Words of Iron" site]( [Medium article by the devs](


    I linked an archived copy of the zionist rag *The Times of Israel* just to prove that this is admitted by the IOF and that this news has become undeniable now. Feel free to tell your local zionists.


    [nitter]( Alt Text: > Cenk Uygur > @cenkuygur 3h > Can everyone please stop the dumb "from the river to the sea" chant? It is incredibly hurtful to our Jewish brothers and sisters. It's also incredibly counterproductive to protecting Palestinians. Do not chant something that majority thinks is call for genocide. Not complicated. > Dec 11, 2023 · 11:09 PM UTC


    To be clear, the interviewer is hot trash. It's Ghassan who's based as hell. Long live the intifada.






    In the meantime, just over the border, thousands of Palestinian children remain trapped under the rubble and dying from disease, starvation, dehydration, and injuries. The fucking grotesque asymmetry. [Video](
