News 11mo ago
IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 100%

    The irony of claiming I’M the selective one by quoting me.

    Damn, can you just say: "well my bad, indeed I'm contradicting myself".

    LGBTQI are not marginalized anymore, they are becoming noisy now and it starts to become a bit too much... we have now a "pride month", wtf.

  • The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 100%

    I see more concrete than ever, I see more only-one way than ever which extend your traffic time and if you miss your exit or street, you are screwed and goog to do a full consuming/polluting detour to reach your destination. I don't mind if commute were performant, not ugly or dystopian.

    I don't see much place for grass/trees etc.

    Near my house, they destroyed an old fabric to build fucking cheap soul less apartments. They are literally building new "blocks" on landfields while there's plenty of free apartment in the city. fucking real-estate mafia and mayor's corruption.

    I am from old Europe and we used to have nice architecture and city organization.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 20%

    Why would a person of any race be proud of their race?

    I support Pride Month for example,

    why would a person of any gender would be proud of their gender? You seem pretty selective.

  • The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 45%

    this and how the urbanists fuck up cities, you don't want to drive a car, for sure. be it electric. two time this week, train were delayed, adding a wopping 1h30 to my commute.

    I more than ever for renewal and common transportation but damn, dear these semi-public companies suck!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 50%
  • games
    Games 12mo ago
    Game Boy Advance schematics now available thanks to Reverse Engineering
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 100%

    Neutral is negative by default, unfortunately.

    I don't agree, especially cause we talk here about reverse engineering which is considered as relatively hardcore skill and in the positive way.

    If I was saying: "There's lot of transgenders in blackhat hacking", there you might draw some negative conclusion.

    Anyway, that was not my intention and sorry, it is not something 'obvious'.

  • games
    Games 12mo ago
    Game Boy Advance schematics now available thanks to Reverse Engineering
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 50%

    open the curtain and the window, take a deeeep breath.

  • games
    Games 12mo ago
    Game Boy Advance schematics now available thanks to Reverse Engineering
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 66%

    you are assuming the bad here.

    read my sentence:

    There’s a lot of transgender in the hacking (reverse engineer) community…

    reverse engineer being an hardcore craft/skill, I don't think you could reasonably say that I was diminishing them.

    seeing how low my score went on a simple sentence, I think it's time for some reflection, people..

  • games
    Games 12mo ago
    Game Boy Advance schematics now available thanks to Reverse Engineering
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 100%

    you'll note that I didn't say anything special but got downvoted to -76 :)

  • 8GB RAM in M3 MacBook Pro Proves the Bottleneck in Real-World Tests
  • WuTang WuTang 11mo ago 91%

    Vote with your wallet. Well, those buying this kind of mac are basic users (non-pejorative), so it will continue to be there.

    I love when back in the day people said that mastering the hardware and software would help to drive cost down, well their cost. :)

  • Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 50%

    Or maybe, providing them better opportunities in our societies than selling their bodies to a disgusting guy?!

    Bet you think all drugs should be illegal as well.

    i don't know what you are smoking right now but it's not helping you for dialog.

  • EU Article 45 requires that browsers trust certificate authorities appointed by governments
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 83%

    knowing that EU commission is full of IT "campers" waiting to reimburse their mortgage and they will probably outsource the work to india (despite being forbidden), i am not really fond of the idea.

  • Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 40%

    Regulating prostitution?

    Because you think it is a normal, thought life style? A girl having a normal education (school, not abused during her youth, abandoned, fled war/guerrilla), eating to her fill would choose this path?!

  • Signal tests usernames so you can avoid sharing your phone number
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 100%

    A bit late? The metadata are already collected.

  • I hope others consider doing the same
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 14%

    I think you are the youngest, being upset on a critic, while it was true, it was before all just a quip.

    I'm hosted on, so you know, staying in the Asian folklore mixed with "pop" culture...

  • I hope others consider doing the same
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 5%

    you don't seem to be friend with graphic design neither. :)

  • Israel’s military claims it has cut Gaza in half, surrounded Gaza City
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 100%

    if they lied on the beheaded babies, you know... I don't have to trust Hamas, I don't even know where I would listen to them. Regarding Israel, it's pretty obvious they are freewheeling and they are saturating mainstream media with BS without real challenge.


  • Israel’s military claims it has cut Gaza in half, surrounded Gaza City
  • WuTang WuTang 12mo ago 60%

    I won't deny existence of rapes in war but here, this is a lightning strike attack and according to the amount of casualties (maybe inflated, knowing Israel), I don't see how hamas doing that would have time to rape anyone, capture and transport hostages without getting attacked by army or police which is everywhere.

  • Maybe late to the game (no pun! :)) but ok. I must say that my last console was a PS3, then I played on steam 2 or 3 times a year, now I was lend a PS4 by a friend cause I wanted to try some exclusivity but is it normal to install 20-30GB even when you own physical game ? It was already a thing annoying back in the day on PS3 for some game (GTA 5 being the worst as far as remember) but here, it is getting ridiculous and seems to be default behavior for most games. On PC, which is mostly dematerialized, why not, at least, you can use your computer in during the time but I don't expect that from a console.


    or even both if you want to play safe?


    Crazy, there's not one day when I don't encounter a post about Musk/Twitter on Fediverse or even Reddit. I don't even go on Twitter, for which you have to register by the way. It's like those not buying Apple shit and criticizing it all the day.


    MSFT was responsible of a generation of non-educated users, half-assed sysadmin, what could go wrong, now ? maybe your are not concerned with your 64GB laptop from which 60GB are used for entreprise spyware/antivirus hem, protective measure. :)


    The more tricky and clicky it is, the more shitty the people behind are. This is the lamest way (to try) to bypass rules and therefore pretty insulting to their audience. First contender: from Condé Nast**y** cult. "Oh, the regulation say we must tell the users why we need cookies and provide how to opt out... mmh but we need those shit, let's find a way to stay compliant but discourage the opt-out in the most sonOf*removed*Way." Even, TheVerge and other from Vox Media sphere, which I thought were the nastiest, have changed it back to a simple **consent** or **do not consent** button. ASstechnica likes to play the SJW, rights defensers, criticizes celebrieties or shitty on twitter but with their cookie maze consent shit containing a 100ish of advertisers (that you have to disable one bye one), they are litterally the worse BSiter ever. So of course, I pass on but not without telling the fediverse how hypocrite this site/company is. hero point +1 :P


    Hello folk, there's this annoying thing from Apple in bluetooth management which is hijacking your (paired of course) bt device in an exclusive way. Is there a way to force bluez (on linux) to really take the lead? I mean, the device is paired and connected to but somehow, only Apple can play on it when around. Apple having also this fucking habits to reactivate bluetooth and co after 24h. for the convenience of the user or to be user they could track you? :P thank you i know, by definition, apple == annoying
