desktop thread
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 4w ago 100%

    It is, thank you!

  • desktop thread
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 4w ago 100%

    What is that reader thingy on the right side?

  • Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine (Original Song) by Seth Staton Watkins
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    He truly is a great musician. ❤️

  • ![](

    What's up between Ukraine and Russia?
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    IKR. The capital is lost. Finland has fallen. Billions must Slava Ukraini.

  • What's up between Ukraine and Russia?
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%


    Here is another one:

  • To think that the bottom picture could been the norm if greedy capitalists didn't mess with us
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    My split second thoughts exactly. Huge train, oh wait, no…


    > "The ones who damaged the pipelines eliminated the possibility of Germany prioritising Russian gas ahead of Ukraine's freedom. So it helped Germany make the right decision," Moshes said. Arkady Moshes from Finnish state funded imperialist think tank, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), approves sabotage of infrastructure when it helps a state to make a right decision. I wonder how many fascists are taking this approval as a permission for terrorism.

    What's up between Ukraine and Russia?
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    Massively winning like always. I like how media has been fairly vague and making this sound bigger advancement than what it actually is.

  • USA lets athletes cheat with steroids, as it accuses Russia & China of violating anti-doping rules
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    Unfortunately I have no correct answer either but I remember my father complaining about DDR weightlifters “eating male hormones”. This could be the underlying reason for Germany.

  • Basics of Historical Materialism
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    I think this was a well done introduction.

  • - 5 Ways CRISPR Is About to Change Everything
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 2mo ago 100%

    Highly interesting! I had not thought of these other applications before. Looks like I'll be more excited about CRISPR in future.

  • Absolute shit take from Communist Party of Venezuela
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 3mo ago 100%

    I had the displeasure of encountering this yesterday. Some libs were using it as a proof that everyone despite of their political position opposes Marudo in Venezuela.

  • funny
    Funny 3mo ago
    Whaaaaaaaaaaa happened?
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 3mo ago 100%

    He is a massive backboneless tosser. So this is very normal of him.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 3mo ago 100%

    I wouldn’t be surprised tho if this gets spinned against the left anyway.

  • memes
    Memes 4mo ago
    The struggle is real
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 4mo ago 100%

    Yes but, in my defence, I was busy sewing so no reading them pile of interesting books today. 🙂‍↔️Tomorrow deffo… maybe?

  • Would you consider yourself a romantic?
  • cwtshycwtsh cwtshycwtsh 6mo ago 100%



    >Presidentinkanslian päällikkö Andrii Yermak muistuttaa, että kylmän sodan aikaan republikaanit ymmärsivät Neuvostoliiton vaarallisuuden. Hitler myös ymmärsi sosialismin vaarallisuuden kapitalismille ja imperialistit tunkivat natsien taskut täyteen tukirahoja. Jännä juttu, kuinka sattuikaan, mutta eihän Ukrainassa suinkaan natseja ole. Eihän?


    > There was a handsome Georgian man who had a revolutionary master plan. Joseph Stalin was his name and bank robbery his game. After the heist he jumped into the getaway van.


    >It is understood that people attached to the Military Industrial Complex or close the Military Industrial Complex should be able to participate in NixCon, whether as organizers, speakers, or attendees. Their attachment to the Military Industrial Complex should not be taken against the individuals. This is a bit of a "separating the art from the artist" issue. If some person works for MIC, they're part of the problem and they deffo shouldn't be allowed to participate. So I'd say this letter isn't fully being against MIC involvement, however, it's better than nothing. At least the direction is more correct than just accepting MIC sponsorship quietly. Perhaps this has some effect if it gains a significant amount of signatures. BTW: There is also a clowny [NixOS Users For Western Military and Governments Support]( which hopefully gains no support, but hey, at least the imperialist lap dogs are outing themselves.


    Kansainvälinen on avoin Matrix-kanava. Kanavan tarkoitus on tarjota julkinen keskustelupaikka kaikille kommunismista kiinnostuneille. Säännöt lyhyesti: 1. Oikeistolaiset eivät ole tervetulleita. Työväenluokan vastaiset ajatukset saavat bannit ilman oikeutta oikeudenkäyntiin. 2. Taantumukselliset näkemykset kuten rasismi, sukupuoleen tai seksuaalisuuteen perustuva syrjintä, ableismi jne. eivät kuulu tänne. Vahinkoja voi sattua kaikille etuoikeutetuille, mutta virheistä pitää oppia ja toistuvista "vahingoista" tulee bannit. Erityisen selkeät, tietoiset loukkaukset: katso sääntö numero 1. 3. Ole toverillinen toisille, vaikka olisitkin eri linjoilla jostain teoreettisesta kysymyksestä. Sääntöjä tullaan täydentämään tarpeen mukaan.
