
Welp, that dampened my enthusiasm for the game. I won't preorder it, and maybe wait until it is on a Sale for a reduced price.

rpg 1y ago
Tell us what you are playing in or running right now!
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Playing in a D&D 5E game, running a Scion campaign heavily inspired by German folktales and folklore.

  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    @DebsBookReviews I translate old German folk tales into English! Two books have already been published under the series title "Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles".

    If you want to check out some of the tales before buying the books, you can listen to podcast and video adaptions of them here. I encourage such adaptions by others - I release all my translations under a Creative Commons Zero license!

  • MEGATHREAD: whatever the hell is going on in Russia right now
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Also, if Prigozhin wins, Putin will probably end up being "killed by traitors", but Prigozhin will vow to avenge him and bring all traitors to justice.

  • MEGATHREAD: whatever the hell is going on in Russia right now
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Probably not quite yet - they'll want to give Russian units time to retreat from the frontline and intervene in Russia.

  • "Russia's security forces are reported to be in disarray following the attempted mutiny by the Wagner Group." - Long update that is bonkers inside
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    The world will be in a better position because this internal conflict dramatically weakens the Russian war effort in Ukraine. Whatever faction comes out on top will be rather busy "cleaning house" for a while - giving Ukraine more space to fight this war.

  • it's Friday night, what's everyone doing this weekend?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Two TTRPG sessions (Dungeons & Dragons in person, Call of Cthulhu online), going swimming at the public pool, working some more on my translations of German folk tales.

  • Räume für Rassismusbetroffene : Ein Ort ohne weiße Menschen?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Oder wenn einen dann Personen aus dem Bekanntenkreis jedes mal erklären:

    "Ich glaube, das war gar nicht rassistisch gemeint. Das hast Du bestimmt nur missverstanden!"

  • Räume für Rassismusbetroffene : Ein Ort ohne weiße Menschen?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 33%

    Außerhalb von solchen Räumen werden solche Regeln in Deutschland aber nur selten eingehalten.

  • You just won One Billion Dollars, what are you buying?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    A media company, to influence the world according to my political agenda.

    Hey, every bilionaire's doing it!

  • Räume für Rassismusbetroffene : Ein Ort ohne weiße Menschen?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 50%

    Wie kann man dann dafür sorgen, daß Rassismusverursacher dort nicht auftauchen und Stress produzieren?

  • Räume für Rassismusbetroffene : Ein Ort ohne weiße Menschen?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Um sicher vor Rassismus zu sein reicht es, wenn man den Umgang mir Rassisten meidet.

    Schaffe das mal. "Kein Rassist zu sein" ist kein Zustand, sondern ein Prozess. Es reicht eben nicht sich nur "gegen Nazis" zu positionieren. Man muss auch ständig seine unterbewussten Denkmuster und Vorurteile hinterfragen, und das ist anstrengend.

  • Räume für Rassismusbetroffene : Ein Ort ohne weiße Menschen?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 80%

    Ja, Rassismuserfahrungen dürften unter Schwarzen Menschen in Deutschland universell sein. Und einfach mal ein paar Stunden genießen wo man seine Ruhe davor hat ist wahrscheinlich viel wert.

  • https://www.zeit.de/zett/2023-06/rassismus-betroffene-schutzraeume-rueckzug

    Die Kommentare unter dem Artikel sind mal wieder unterirdisch. Ist es echt so schwer zu begreifen, daß Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland zumindest für ein paar Stunden mal Ruhe vom Bullshit der weißen Mehrheitsgesellschaft haben wollen?

    Droht ein weiteres Borkenkäfer-Jahr?
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Ich mache diesen August wieder Urlaub im Harz. Da sah es letztes Jahr schon ziemlich verheerend aus...

  • Studie: Große Mehrheit will Reiche zur Kasse bitten
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Leistung lohnt sich derzeit eben nicht - die die bereits Gele haben, bekommen alles nachgeschmissen, während die die wenig haben sich ständig abrackern müssen nur um nicht noch weiter anzusinken!

  • https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb10454994?page=344%2C345

    Basically, in this tale a farmer's girl lost her way in the forest and stumbled across a hut inhabited by seven dwarves. She asked them for a place to stay for the night, and received it (after the dwarves argued about who would get the honor of giving up his bed for the girl). A short term later, a farmer woman arrived. When the girl opened the door and explained that there was no more space, the farmer woman suspected her of being the lover of all seven dwarves, called her a slut ("Lumpenmaitschi" in the local dialect), and then fetched two men who killed the dwarves in the same night, buried the corpses in the dwarves' garden, and burned down the hut (the girl, however, had managed to escape). This tale is from an obscure 19th century folk tale collection from the Aargau Canton in Switzerland, and I don't *think* it has ever been translated into English. But I think I shall do so at the earliest opportunity.

    Bayern reicht Verfassungsklage gegen Erbschaftssteuer ein
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Und wenn man es vermietet, kann man eine Hypothek nehmen, die Erbschaftssteuer damit bezahlen, und dann die Hypothekenzinsen von der Steuer absetzen.

  • Bayern reicht Verfassungsklage gegen Erbschaftssteuer ein
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 80%

    Da hätte ich gerne eine Beispielrechung, wieso unter solchen Umständen "Otto Normal Mensch" das Haus verkaufen muss bloss um die Erbschaftssteuer zu bezahlen.

    So viel kann das doch gar nicht sein?

  • Bayern reicht Verfassungsklage gegen Erbschaftssteuer ein
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Bei mir kam die Erbschaftssteuerforderung über ein Jahr nach dem Todesfall. Das war jede Menge Zeit um noch eine Hypothek aufzusetzen.

  • Nein, Vergleich mit 1997 belegt nicht, dass die „Tagesschau“ Wetterkarten manipuliert
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Die "Klimaskeptiker" sind so dumm wie frech, wie ich auf Twitter immer wieder feststelle.

  • Bayern reicht Verfassungsklage gegen Erbschaftssteuer ein
  • juergen_hubert juergen_hubert 1y ago 100%

    Vermieten. Einfach Hypothek für die Erbschaftssteuer aufnehmen, und die Zinsen von der Steuer absetzen.

  • https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Sagen

    Für Leute, die sich an deutschen Sagen und Legenden interessieren: Viele der alten Sagensammlungen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert sind inzwischen digitalisiert und online erhältlich. Wikisource hat eine Link-Liste für diese Sammlungen (falls Ihr noch andere kennt, bitte hinzufügen!). Diese Liste war extrem hilfreich für meine eigenen Recherchen und Projekte, und man kann da sehr viel Zeit damit verbringen, die Sagenwelt bestimmter Gegenden zu erforschen. Einziger Schönheitsfehler: Die meisten dieser Bücher verwenden Frakturschrift. Aber auch daran kann man sich gewöhnen!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRP
    NPC Creation Complexity

    Confession time: I am not overly enamored of "rules-lite" RPG systems. As long as the system is coherent and well-thought out, I prefer it when the system has rules for all sorts of things - from tactical combat to running chases to social encounters to falling damage and so forth. I like GURPS, I like D&D5E, I like Pathfinder 2E (although I haven't gotten a chance to try it as much as I'd like). However, one thing that I want to be as simple as possible: NPC/monster creation. When I am the game master, I want to churn out the stats for enemies that the PCs can overcome as quickly as possible. Any time I spend on building NPC stat blocks is time I can't spend on working out fiendish adventure plots. Here are a few examples of NPC creation in different systems: **Horribad:** D&D 3.X, Pathfinder 1E. Too damn many derived values, templates, and so forth. Far too much math for far too little to show for it. **Bad:** Exalted 1E/2E. NPCs have all the same stats as PCs, of which there are lots. Plus lots of charms with overly long texts, in the case of Exalted NPCs. **Decent:** GURPS, D&D5E. The math isn't too complicated, and you can easily recycle and modify existing stat blocks - though you have to be careful so that these NPCs are balanced in a fight. Exalted 3E edges into this territory with their "Quick Character" concept - but they spoil it with insisting that "significant NPCs" should be built with all the same rules as player characters. **Good:** Storypath System, Exalted Essence. I love how they boil down all skills to: "This dice pool is for what the character is good at, this is what the character is okay at, and this dice pool is when they have to do something they have no real competence at" - and the GM can define these however they like, and even improvise this. Then you have a very few other stats like Health and Defense, and you are set apart from a few special qualities! I've started running Scion very recently, and I am very impressed with this. So, what other examples do you have of RPG systems that do NPC creation well - and which do it badly?


    I am curious - has anyone tried out these color e-ink Android tablets with some popular drawing/painting apps? I have a reMarkable 2, which is decent for quick black & white sketching - but I *really* want a color e-ink tablet one day, and I want to make sure that color drawing and sketching works well with them.


    People today underestimate just how much stuff was published in the 19th century - there were numerous journals and magazines dedicated to all sorts of topics. This magazine is definitely among the more interesting - it has lots of drawings, floorplans, and sketches of fantastic old buildings. I'll be sure to spend a lot of time browsing these!


    I mean, how do you *deal* with something like that? There were so many buildings of that type because cities in the 19th century were growing rapidly thanks to growing populations and industrialization, and European Colonialism exported this kind of building style to the rest of the world. This is no great mystery, and there is ample documentary evidence for this. I wish I could believe that the adherents of this notion did so as a joke. But alas, here we are...

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRP
    Folk Tales for Gaming!

    Two years ago, I decided to make a list of all the public domain, English-language folk tale collections I could find, and deposited them at Wikisource. If you need to research the folklore of any given region, then I hope that this list has you covered! Just take some of these works with a grain of salt - especially if the authors discuss a culture that is not their own. Most of these *are* from the 19th century, after all.
