Ask Lemmy

For example, are you in !, !, AND !


I work at a place where data quality is not on anyone's radar. We have a reporting team in our group so we do our best where we can, but combining any datasets with other groups (like marketing & sales) is next to impossible as each team is silo'd and do things their own way - think free-form text fields to tag content... How can I politely and succinctly say the above? Also, anyone else in a similar boat?


I do like having games on my phone, but it's always a struggle looking for games with 0 microtransactions. So would like a game I can out right pay for, or one with ads. The ability to disable ads for $5 is chill though. I've played a lot of games that you can "have fun being f2p" but some days I just get really sick and tired of games I play trying to sell me things every 30 seconds. So do you guys have any? If not I may go back to playing GBA games on my phone XD EDIT: Oh selling like expansions is probably fine if it's legit like a full other game. I'm on android


**For the love of God, please don't doxx yourself lol** Actual - irl family relations - included Edit: - if you can - please bullet point - thanks :D MINE (just sharing 1!) > **- cat dad**


I don't know what is the specifics as to why, but when I see a poster or something, I can instinctively feel if it is made with Canvas. I don't know if it is the font, colours, how generic the templates are, or if it is the stock images, but I instantly feel a repulsion towards said graphic design. It doesn't matter what style or vibe it's going for, but I instantly hate it.


Apparently in France it is. Is there any other country that has this type of law implemented? Mandatory donations or something of the sort?


Some of mine are grayjay, kotatsu, expenses, voyager, feeder, mull and syncthing


Social media and individualism result in increased isolation, as it tears apart the social fabric of our societies. For many there is not much interaction beyond the family circle. Even neighbours are just strangers. This ultimately will undoubtedly lead to major disruptions and social unrest. How do we go about breaking that cycle and build real communities again?


I started to notice that more sites are turning into paywalls, and I don't like that and would prefer ads over subscriptions. I am curious, what does the general community think about that?


American law outlines a series of protections for those accused of crimes but not yet convicted. (Like the 4th-6th amendments) Does your country have any unique/novel protections of the rights of potentially innocent people accused but yet to be convicted? If not are there any protections you think should be in place?


Bonus question: how much would a company have to pay you for you to give 100% effort at work?


Alternatively are there any songs like this? Definitely has a tf2 surf background music type vibe.


Was playing TCG card shop sim and wanted to know if it was common irl


I was reading [an article]( about the efforts by people not to ban books. While I think the sentiment is good-natured, as a helper at my local library, this is actually very problematic. People donate to us all the time, as is how libraries work. Sometimes the books are unpopular, unproductive, harmful, or just low tier. I would never apply this logic to human beings, all humans have value if the system knows how to channel them correctly, but books are inanimate objects where their expected purpose is to be read (if you were to say a book is useful on the basis it could be used for something like ripping the pages out for wiping a floor for example, that would make its usefulness *as a book* cease). Often we are over capacity from the donations, so once a year we have a book sale at the church (libraries and churches getting along? Crazy, right?), but even then, a lot just isn't sold, and we're forced to either give them to another holding place or, in the worst case scenario, cremate or trash them. I am all for free speech, but freedom to produce speech is different from freedom to preserve speech, and I'm sure even the ancient Romans produced a lot of scribbly nonsense. Suppose you were in my shoes and the library could preserve anything forever but not everything forever. What criteria would you use in order to decide what media (books, movies, games, etc.) gets to stay and what has to go?


In a original one, not fan fiction. Is Wikipedia sufficient?


A full Gregorian cycle lasts 400 years, and interestingly, common years (i.e. those with 365 days) beginning on a Tuesday or Thursday are slightly more frequent than common years beginning in other weekdays. (44 vs. 43 for other weekdays) In leap years, 15 begin on a Sunday or on a Friday, 14 begin on Tuesday or Wednesday and 13 begin on a Saturday, Monday or Thursday. And if you are wanting to know the frequency of specific days falling on a certain weekday: it's between 56 and 58 times on a full cycle, depending of the year type. E.g. October 19 falls on a Saturday in 57 years of a full calendar cycle, but 58 years have it falling on a Monday and 56 years have it falling on a Tuesday. It's just me or is the Gregorian calendar very weird?


Title I do not want a Microsoft account. Microsoft doesn't need any more info about me than they already have. Thanks


A lot of the things we do on a daily or weekly basis have ways of doing them that can either be private or communal, some of these which we do not think to consider as having that characteristic. For example, bathing in the Roman Empire used to be communal, but then Rome fell and citizens in the splinter countries began taking baths privately. Receiving mail is another example. There are countries which don’t have mailboxes and everyone gets their mail at the post office in the PO boxes. It was the United States which pioneered the idea of the modern mail system, which is why we associate it as a private act. There are activities as well which don’t have any history as jumping between one or the other that might benefit from it, for example I think towns might benefit if internet was free and freely accessible but only at the local library. What’s a non-communal aspect of life you think should be communal?


Because I honestly can't. I can barely talk with the very few people I know. Is just so out of my range. That's why I don't have friends or a partner and I don't see that changing. EDIT: no, responding comments here or asking this question ISN'T having a conversation for me. So I don't feel this as "progress".


This is more of me trying to understand how people imagine things, as I almost certainly have Aphantasia and didn't realize until recently... If this is against community rules, please do let me know. The original thought experiment was from the Aphantasia subreddit. Link: Thought experiment begins below. --- **Try this: Visualise (picture, imagine, whatever you want to call it) a ball on a table. Now imagine someone walks up to the table, and gives the ball a push. What happens to the ball?** ::: spoiler Once you're done with the above, click to review the test questions: * What color was the ball? * What gender was the person that pushed the ball? * What did they look like? * What size is the ball? Like a marble, or a baseball, or a basketball, or something else? * What about the table, what shape was it? What is it made of? And now the important question: Did you already know, or did you have to choose a color/gender/size, etc. after being asked these questions? ___ :::


When a book becomes influential enough, someone might try to impersonate it, since publishing doesn’t follow any hard rules. For example, I was explaining to someone that, after (surprisingly not before) I got a job at my local library, I took out a communist manifesto, which I later learned was a fake, with writings in there that were not consistent with the official communist manifesto, such as a call for free love. I have also spotted a lot of fake versions of Mark Twain books come in, which has a lot of parts deleted or inserted based on the writer’s desire. On the other side of the issue, lately I’ve been watching a lot of the events unfold in the middle East and have wondered why nobody just ends violence over there for good by making fake Qurans. One or two people have hinted they’ve tried, with some altered movements centered around it (would you call this government gnosticism), but it’s not something you always hear. What’s the most severe example of a fake version of a book you’ve ever seen/encountered?


> **coconut milk** - Very smooth and satisfying - <=1 g natural sugars so basically carb-free - amazing replacement for milk in cereal and smoothies


![]( And also posting the 2023 report from human rights watch. Sincerely bummed out, especially because the post was respectful and I am also a leftie.


This is mostly intended as a question for people with severe chronic issues of a magnitude that significantly alter their function to the point of relying on others for basic needs. However, anyone is welcome to reply. From personal experience this type of pain is hard to describe and hard for others to understand, especially the psychological side. So I'm asking because I really don't understand how cannabis works for anyone as pain relief. I have also been on most available opioids and they largely have no effect. They only impact my focus in such a way that I do not care about doing anything or about the pain. It is like they impact anxiety, but that does not do anything for the underlying physical issue. In some cases like tramadol, I get so disconnected from my typical self awareness that I could spiral into a dumber version of myself like being in a figurative pit I cannot escape. Seriously, I use a few games and the times it takes me to complete harder levels to gage how pain or meds are impacting my cognitive function. Long term I use the scope, depth, and my project completion capabilities to gage if I am acting like myself long term. This is what has pulled me off of several meds long term; I simply was not myself in capabilities. The meds made me care less about the pain, but I am interested in a more productive life, not caring less about the thing that is ever present. The only drugs that made the pain go away are the kind that require constant monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit in a hospital. Am I an outlier here; simply more self aware of the way pain treatments alter the mind and only indirectly impact the real issue? Does caring less satisfy your needs? Is anxiety a large part of your functional life?


LMMS is a music production software. I use it on my PC. Is it good as an alternative for paid DAWs?


Are song titles alone (not when used with other things) subject to trademark?


Everything from the Boys, to Marvel shows, to Lower Decks waste so much time every episode recapping what happened previously. We're watching these shows on demand. If we needed a recap we simply watch parts of the last episode. Binging shows is so normal it's a meme now. Do the people making these shows seriously think there's a possibility of network syndication or something? As if we'll eventually go back to the network model? What do you think?


I have several gel ice packs to throw out and would rather make use of them if possible. Some leak and others have been collected for various uses (chronic health related). Is the gel the same stuff used for plant seed starters or anything like that? Sure, I could search the web and find lots of people selling ads with their impractical MacGyver anecdotes galore, but that says nothing about what is practical and worth actually doing versus conventional alternatives.