
Been working out consistently for about 3 months now using a beginner plan (Grey skulls lp) and I think I'm hitting plateaus just using linear progression. I'm up to: DL: 120kg Squat: 120kg Bench: 75kg OHP: 55kg And I've had to deload all those weights twice, so I think now is a good time to find a different routine. I was looking at 5/3/1, but I'm not really sure I understand it well and there's a lot of variations (reddit also seems vague on details cause they want you to buy the books or something, idk). The volume also looks kinda ridiculous and I don't wanna spend more than an hour and a half at the gym everytime. So yeah, sorta progress update, sorta asking where to go next.


Build your strength in whatever way you may but remember to properly repair and recover. Get your rest, keep your diet on point, that you may train again and go even harder. Keep training friends, let us all become our strongest selves (in every way one can be strong).


What's practical and effective for self defense?


For context: there was a time several years ago where I went 3 days a week doing a lifting routine. I think my heaviest dead lift was maybe 140lbs. Two kids later, hernia surgery, and a change in position at work that has me sitting way more (used to do solo IT work for multiple buildings, now I have a team and do mostly back end admin work), and I've lost all my gains and put on about 20lbs. Kids are more manageable now solo, and I'm looking to hit the gym every Monday I can. How do I maximize this time? Thanks in advance comrades!


This kind of a public self-reminder, but I just want everyone to remember that fitness is literally a journey. It may not feel like to today or tomorrow, hell not even next month, but you're going to see positive changes and improvement. I mean this in the least "hustle culture" way, but keep grinding everyone.


My squats passed 112.5 kg (250 lbs) on my last workout, hitting 3x5 was hard and I'm a little scared of going for 115 kg next time. Still managed 7 reps on the last set though and I was fucking sweating for it lmao. This is also the only major movement I haven't had to deload yet. Making progress on OHP is ridiculous - someone here said they've hit 230 lbs on that and I have no idea how, you must be a monster. Like the last time I worked out, I'm hitting a wall around 50 kg (111lbs and also 3x5) - I failed the last attempt at that weight and I've reached that point again, which I'll be attempting later today. I will say that learning you have to activate your core during the lift helped a lot, but that advice kind of goes for all major lifts. And finally, I can do a full 3 sets of pull-ups unassisted now, albeit with great effort. Overall feeling good about it and I can see my body getting kinda beefy now, but that's also because I've been eating so much food now. ![im-vegan]( "emoji im-vegan") ![jerma-herbivore]( "emoji jerma-herbivore")![palestine-strong]( "emoji palestine-strong")


I swear, every time I find the perfect brand of minimalist shoes for running with my flat feet, they get popular, then to appeal to the growing crowd slowly morph into more of an Air Jordan bodyplan. It happened with Sauconys way back in the day and now I'm watching it happen again with Altras. I'm a bit too poor to buy my running shoes in bulk. If I'm lucky maybe I can get an older model off of Ebay for cheap. And yeah, I love my toe shoes, but those are more for trail running or just doing errands.


Title says it all, I have a friend willing to go on runs with me and get into a habit of being more active! It was a mix of running & walking today but I think I did pretty good for being a couch potato!


I found a 15 minute long rap album right when i started my 15 minutes of rowing and blasted threw both 😤😤😤😤 God I'm so strong When i die y'all will know cause I'm gonna challenge the boatman to a race and return triumphant and immortal, if I'm not already 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


Simple and fun workout: Do push ups while following the song's instructions. When it says Sally up, push up, when it says Sally down, go down. Don't lay down entirely but hold in a hovering down position. How long can you make it?


Doing a progressive overload routine and finally failed a deadlift set at 117.5 kg - even the deload is around the max I was at before (over a year ago or so) so I'm actually pretty psyched, even though I failed the set. I think I was a little too scared of the weight the last time I was working out, but my form seems good now. Only issue I'm going through is the bar scraping my shins and knees, especially while lowering the weight.


829 strokes motherfuckers, god damn I was breathing like a fucking racehorse this feat of physical prowess made possible bu the love and affection of my comrades, even the haters (especially the haters! ![some-controversy]( "emoji some-controversy") )


I remember a while back on here someone was asking how to get to a standing ab wheel rollout and today this video came into my timeline and it has some things I personally used along with some ideas I think are pretty inventive, especially putting a band around yourself.


I'd kill to look like that but I assume drugs are involved. Also I'm 35 and waaaaay out of shape (like walking up stairs or fairly short distance gives me sore muscles the next day lol and im over 350 lbs of almost all fat) so idk if like the timeline age wise would be bad.


i do! ![sweat]( "emoji sweat")



fitness p0wer 2mo ago 100%

Hello everyone, recently, I've started using Liftlog to monitor my gym progress. And I'm liking it so far. There is a feature where you can post your workout for your followers and you can see others workouts as well. so if any of you are using it feel free to add me here is my link : and if you're not using it and you are searching for an app for gym I highly recommend you give it a try.


Get your asses on the longboat comrades, we've got some 100% sustainable piracy to conduct ![straw-hat-pirates]( "emoji straw-hat-pirates")


These aren't my maxes (idk how to even find what that would be), but the weight I've reached following a beginner 3x5 program. My bench has always been weak and whenever I worked out regularly in the past, I'd stall/fail past 60 kilos and get demotivated. I have passed 100 kilos on Squats and DL before, it's about the point I got to before I got injured a year or two ago. The exciting part is I'm at this point after a little over a month of consistently going to the gym, whereas before it took about 4 to 6 months. Only thing I haven't caught up on are my Pull-ups, which have also always been difficult for me - moreso than bench actually. No questions to ask this time, just content with my progress for now and wanted to share.


Hi all, I have been having persistent hip pain in roughly the circled spot for a few months now. I want to do something about it before it gets worse but I don't know how. It feels very tight and unpleasant when stretching and I also get pins and needles very quickly when sitting on my sit bones or a hard chair. Another clue to the location of the discomfort: the stretch that feels best is sitting crisscross with my right foot on bottom and leaning away from my hip with my leg grounded to the floor. I can feel my body compensating and stiffness is slowly starting to travel up my lower back.


Only recently finding out power cleans are an "essential lift" and the reasoning makes sense - developing "explosive" or sudden, high power muscle movements. I'd like to develop my sprint power/technique, so this is appealing. However, I really doubt my gym would be ok with me doing power cleans in a rack spot, which are the only barbell spots in the gym. Additionally, it looks scary; I've injured myself working out before and it's a major concern because it will kill my consistency, which will also kill my motivation (I'm actually just starting to consistently workout again after I injured myself the last time, a whole year afterwards). So what are good alternatives? Anyone have good experiences with these alternatives? I've heard db squat jumps aren't too bad, anyone use these in their routine?


I just rowed 2 miles in 15 minutes without stopping, 651 strokes motherfuckersssss are yall gonna let me be the only one getting swiggety swole out here?


A lot of guides online suggest some hard to get or not widely available foods (idk where to find tempeh and quinoa is a bit expensive, for example). But I'm kinda doing the math in my head and having a hard time meeting protein intake goals (probably about 150g per day at least). I did get a protein supplement and it will help I guess, but im not great at meal planning. For anyone who lifts and is vegan, what do you do?


If I have to hold a position (planks) or do some exercises (Dips, pullups), the associated muscles shake a lot. Is this normal? It's kind of been something my body has done my whole life when I tried to workout, but I'd like to fix it cause it's annoying.


I have been bothered by some mild sciatica for the past week, probably brought about by two days of long-distance driving during a recent family vacation. I have sore spot on my right side close to the spine that sometimes sends jolts of pain when I walk. I've had it before and seen a doctor about it who confirmed it to be harmless although annoying. Do anyone have some good examples of good stretches to do in this situation? Most of what I could find online targets the muscles slightly below where my pain is located and doesn't seen to reach the spot that hurts. And now for the rant: When using Google to find information, the results were full of SEO optimised links to physical therapists and chiropractors trying to sell me stuff. Among all the bullshit I managed to find a page about it on a public healthcare site where very little effort had been made to make the text pop up in search engines. The text was written by a named specialist and cited sources. It said that there's little to do about mild sciatica besides keeping active, improving workplace ergonomics, taking OTC painkillers and waiting for it to go away by itself. It was honest about that most of the time it was impossible to explain exactly what mechanism causes the pain. It said that there's no documentated effect of heat or cold and explicitly advised against lumbar support bandages. I then visited one of the commercial sites, hoping to find some stretches to do. And what was the first thing I saw? Without giving any sources they claimed that cold packs and lumbar support bandages are effective and tried selling them to me. The individual private physiotherapist might be good at their job and able to help people but the profit motive incentives them to upsell people snake oil and quackery. This in turn makes everything they say less trustworthy. It might very well be that you can benefit from some product they are selling in some situations but you can never be sure whether they're advising you to use it because they want your money or because it is actually going to do you any good. Meanwhile medical doctors, who almost all operate within a single payer public healthcare system around here are one of the most trusted professions since you know that the likelihood of them having ulterior motives is very low. (Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of problems with classism, racism, sexism and God-complexes in the medical profession but at least your GP is not trying to inspect your wallet)


I already run, but I would like to incorporate some total body strength training. Just to stay health and build enough strength to be able to stay fit and limber. I’ve got that “Homemade Muscle” book that seems to be what I’m looking for, but want to see if you all have any recommendations. I’m also trying to figure if there’s some low cost equipment I should add that would help. Like those variable weight dumbells, I think I could afford those. But a full set a weight plates is well beyond what I can afford.

11 honestly was looking for a jordan peterson equivilant of "clean your room" and workout sort of rhetoric - but coming from communists something along the lines of theory/ logical thinking that would state how required it was to work out and develop discipline - this was all rhetoric spurred after reading roderic day ![](


Like the title says I'm looking for a free (preferably open source) app yo track my gym progress. Somewhere where I can add my weights. May be the app can remind when it's time to increase the weight (progressive overload). it would also be cool if there is charts to monitor progress.


I think most days after I do OHP, I've felt like I got a crick in my neck, so I think I'm doing something wrong. Idk what though, any common mistakes in form or something that cause this?


Do you think the trireme of revolution can propel itself to victory? Nay! Without our daily diligence, our sweat and concerted labor, the ship of liberty will stagnate in the doldrums of liberalism! Get on that rower and push yourself, for yourself and for all our futures! And make sure to stretch! Stretch before! Stop 10 minutes in and stretch again!

fitness radiofreeval 4mo ago 100%

I have no clue how reliable this is but I broke 60 VO2 max. ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go")


Not sure if this is the right place. I'm looking for a foldable treadmill with a tablet stand. I hope it is sturdy enough that won't undo itself, and the motor just don't burnt out once pass the warranty. I have a budget of about £200. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.


I've heard of Lose It and My Fitness Pal. Anyone have experience with them or other ones? Edit: Sorry about the laggy response, my shifts have been longer lately.


what are some good meals i can eat cold that are high protein - low carb - no refined sugar? i already made some hummus for an occasional snack to eat with something, but my work doesn't have a microwave so i have no idea what to bring for dinner. any tips? TIA!!!


No idea where to start I'm so confused as to what to immediately cut out of my diet and what exercises for a beginner to start with? What should I start eating? I'm 6 foot or 6 foot 1 and 195 pounds with a dad bad right now that I want to at least turn into some muscle