Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm'

A man in Japan who has four wives and two girlfriends – and aims to father 54 children – wants to become the “God of Marriage”. Ryuta Watanabe, 36, who lives in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido, has not worked for 10 years and lives entirely on the salaries of his wives and girlfriends. His wives are common-law in nature, recognised as partners in a marriage-like relationship without formal registration, based on long-term cohabitation and shared responsibilities. Watanabe is already the father of 10 children and lives with two of them and three of his wives, Japan’s Shueisha Online reported. He takes on the role of a house husband, cooking, doing housework and taking care of the children. The household expenses, which are almost 914,000 yen (US$6,000) a month, are split between his wives and girlfriends. Watanabe also has a fourth wife, who is 24 years old, but they are estranged. In addition, he met two girlfriends via social media platforms. Six years ago, a depressed Watanabe who was living on welfare, was dumped by his girlfriend. He said it was this that pushed him to start dating various women through dating apps. Earlier this year, on the Japanese TV show Abema Prime, Watanabe said: “I just love women. As long as we love each other equally, there won’t be any problems.” Watanabe also said that each of his wives has her own room, and he rotates sleeping with different wives every night. He claimed to have sex more than 28 times a week, and said his wives never get jealous, instead, they get along well like friends. Watanabe aims to break the record for the most children fathered in Japan, becoming a so-called God of Marriage. Online sources indicate that Tokugawa Ienari, a shogun who died in 1841, fathered around 53 children with 27 concubines during his reign in the Edo Period. Watanabe said: “I want to have 54 children so my name will go down in history. I’m still looking for new wives.” Polygamy is illegal in Japan, meaning Watanabe cannot legally marry multiple women at once. Watanabe’s unconventional family lifestyle has attracted attention on social media. One person on YouTube said: “His kids will never be able to have a close relationship with their father because there are just too many of them.” “I would never let my own children end up like this man,” said another. However, a third took a different view: “They seem like a happy family. Respect their choices.”


Please do not skip over the word "up", as I did. Or do it, I'm not your boss.


> A man from the UK named James Howells is suing his local council to try to recover a hard drive containing 8,000 BTC, currently valued around $647 million. And that’s precisely how much he’s suing them for—since he’s blaming them for his not having it. > Back in 2013, Howells’ then-partner mistakenly tossed out the hard drive along with a bunch of other garbage. At the time, Bitcoin was already worth a little bit less than £1 million—and the value of those coins has risen quite a bit in the years since.


cross-posted from: > > A mysterious person known as the ‘Piss Bandit’ has been causing a stir in Pasadena, California, for the past six years. > > > > The person comes out at night donned with a mask and latex gloves, regularly leaving bottles of urine in an influential neighbourhood, carefully arranging them on a utility box before vanishing into the night, as reported by New York Post. > > > >The bottles, which include soda bottles, juice cartons, and gallon jugs are filled with yellow liquid, and are accompanied by crude drawings and notes like ‘human urine’ and ‘HIV positive.’ > > > > The bandit sometimes strikes multiple times a week, leaving behind fresh bottles each morning that disappear by nightfall. > > > >The city attempted to stop the bandit by adding a pointed metal cover to the utility box, but the Piss Bandit simply removed it and continued his antics. > > > > "It’s been a tug-o-war between the neighborhood and this guy," said Grant Yansura, who, along with filmmaker Derek Milton, launched an investigation into the mysterious figure. > > > >[Their TikTok videos]( about the case have garnered over 600,000 views. > > > >While Yansura and Milton see the bandit as a vigilante artist akin to Robin Hood, many neighbours view him as a nuisance. > > > > One local expressed disgust, stating he never considered the act an art form. Another neighbour threatened the bandit, saying, “If I catch you leaving your piss here, I will make you drink every last drop!” > > > >Despite the attention, the bandit remains elusive. He ignored the duo's attempts to communicate, even stealing their cameras. Ultimately, Yansura concluded, “Sometimes you just have to let an artist pee.”


Ripped parts of the post: > The bacteria is best known for causing a type of food poisoning called "Fried Rice Syndrome," since rice is sometimes cooked and left to cool at room temperature for a few hours. During that time, the bacteria can contaminate it and grow. B. cereus is especially dangerous because it produces a toxin in rice and other starchy foods that is heat resistant and may not die when the food it infects is cooked. And > Unfortunately, that was the case for a 20-year-old student, who passed away after eating five-day-old pasta. > His story was described in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology a few years back, but has since resurfaced due to some YouTube videos and Reddit posts. According to article, every Sunday the student would make his meals for the entire week so he wouldn't need to deal with making it on the weekdays. One Sunday, he cooked up some spaghetti, then put it in Tupperware containers so that days later, he could just add some sauce to it, reheat it and enjoy it. > However, he didn't store the pasta in the fridge, rather he left it out on the counter. After five days of the food sitting out at room temperature, he heated some up and ate it. While he noticed an odd taste to the food, he figured it was just due to the new tomato sauce he added to it.


“It’s a beautiful thing that for the first time in history you can see a saint dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt. That’s a great message,” Father Carlos Acácio Gonçalves Ferreira, the shrine’s rector, said at the time. A Franciscan monk based at the tomb, noted that “many young people” were visiting. Now get rid of the homophobia, sex abuse scandals, sexism, and anti-choice bullshit, mmkay?


>HELENA, Mont. (AP) — An 81-year-old Montana man faces sentencing in federal court Monday in Great Falls for illegally using tissue and testicles from large sheep hunted in Central Asia and the U.S. to illegally create hybrid sheep for captive trophy hunting in Texas and Minnesota. >However, the sentencing memorandum also congratulates Schubarth for successfully cloning the endangered sheep, which he named Montana Mountain King. The animal has been confiscated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. > >“Jack did something no one else could, or has ever done,” the memo said. “On a ranch, in a barn in Montana, he created Montana Mountain King. MMK is an extraordinary animal, born of science, and from a man who, if he could re-write history, would have left the challenge of cloning a Marco Polo only to the imagination of Michael Crichton,” who is the author of the science fiction novel Jurassic Park.


cross-posted from: > A man who was abducted as a six-year-old while playing in a California park in 1951 has been found more than seven decades later thanks to the help of an online ancestry test, old photos and newspaper clippings. > > The Bay Area News Group reported on Friday that Luis Armando Albino’s niece in Oakland – with assistance from police, the FBI and the justice department – located her uncle living on the US east coast. > > Albino, a father and grandfather, is a retired firefighter and Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam, according to his niece, 63-year-old Alida Alequin. She found Albino and reunited him with his California family in June. > > On 21 February 1951 a woman lured the six-year-old Albino from the park in West Oakland, where he had been playing with his older brother, and promised him in Spanish that she would buy him candy.


NSFL warning > > This year, in a bizarre effort to make the Oklahoma State Fair smell even worse than it already does, Dent Source sponsored and organized a competition called the Stinkin’ Sentra Giveaway. > > > > Similar to the B.O. GEO competition of years past, the premise is simple: four people are sent to live inside one Nissan Sentra in an outdoor fair exhibit. The contestants are only allowed to leave the car once every three hours for a 15-minute bathroom break, and anything they bring into the car—like discarded food, trash, or a carnie scalp—has to stay in the car. The last person to leave wins the car. > > > > According to local media reports, the competition concluded this past weekend. The winner was Brian Richmond, who outlasted the other three contestants and, according to witnesses, looks like he smells like a Walmart: > > > > ... > > > > Brian’s victory in the Stinkin’ Sentra competition didn’t come without some smelly and disgusting controversy. > > > >Meet Chris Deschner. He’s the guy who finished second in the competition, leaving the car after 80 hours of being trapped inside. > > > > In a Facebook video, Chris claims he exited the vehicle only after Brian went full Mr. Hankey and brought a cup of human excrement from the port-a-potty into the car following a bathroom break! > > > >Yep, you read that right. The winner brought a cup of human excrement from the port-a-potty into the car following a bathroom break. If you need to take a quick break to throw up in your mouth, feel free. > > > >Chris protested Brian’s septic stunt to contest organizers, but after holding a quick tribunal—hopefully while wearing hazmat suits—the Dent Source team determined that bringing human excrement into the Sentra was a violation of competition rules, but not enough to disqualify Brian. > > > >They removed the cup from the car and told Chris and Brian to resume play. > > > >Unfortunately, Chris couldn’t mentally recover from this clear violation of the laws of man. Claiming he had “more self-respect than that,” he dropped out of the competition like a loose turd, handing Brian the victory and a new, shitty car. > > > > ... > > > > If you ask me, Chris probably realized he had no chance of winning once he witnessed the sewage-level depths his opponent was willing to go for victory, so he quit under protest to try to sneak a win and save face. > > > >Honestly, I don’t blame Chris for this move. In fact, I consider him the winner! Not only does he still have his dignity, but even better—he won’t have to drive a Nissan Sentra.