**Hextube will anonymize your IP but it's still recommended you use a VPN for op sec** I have some movies loaded but I'll be taking a probably permanent break from Hextube and likely HB in general, it's just demanding a lot more of my time than I would like and I'm gonna go touch some grass. I'll leave my HB account active for a few days if any ![fedposting]( "emoji fedposting") would like my contact info. Been fun ![rat-salute]( "emoji rat-salute") # **I'm gonna leave a list of picks here that I had loaded on for the second movie and will leave it up to whoever wants to host discretion. I uploaded subtitles for everything on this list that I spot checked and should work.** Othello had a movie recommendation that I told them I would show tonight that looks fun, it's gay rom com Fire Island (2022) Breakin' (1984) - This was my original pick for the night but maybe people want something to balance out the rom com? Idk I don't control your life. Legendary Weapons of China (1982) - ![xi-reactionary-spotted]( "emoji xi-reactionary-spotted") I was clapping like a seal while watching the trailer for this but haven't actually previewed it, a guy rips off his own testicles within the first 10 minutes. Batteries Not Included (1987) - Robots come from outerspace and help some elderly tenants fight their landleech trying to evict them. Addams Family Values (1993) - Wednesday gets sent to a KKKolonizer summer camp and burns it to the ground. Eat shit Sarah Miller. Masters of the Universe (1987) - This live action He-Man movie features Dolph Lundgren, Courtney Cox, Tom Paris and a muppet for comic relief that wasn't in the cartoon fight Skeletor for mastery of the universe or something, I didn't really watch enough to get the plot, there's some dimensional key? **I will leave my uploads until the end of the week unless I get some requests to keep them up and will be wiping the account after that.**

Down with Gazan imperialism
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 6mo ago 0%

    We publish here an exchange of views with T, a contact in Germany, focusing on the mobilisations in support of “Freedom for Palestine”.

    I am absolutely not reading this.

  • Bethesda confirming the Fallout 4 protagonist is in fact, the least fascist and least bloodthirsty suburbanite.
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 6mo ago 0%

    How does that even work. Weren't they frozen as the bombs were falling, didn't wake up for 200 years and would have missed the events of the other games.

  • main
    main 6mo ago
    I guess the main IT guy was happy to block hexbear
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 6mo ago 0%

    Is this not a bit tagline from some lemmitor when they updated Lemmy to allow instance blocking?

  • 1
    This dude threatened to blow up a Chinese embassy btw
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 7mo ago 100%

    Do people actually think petitions are useful for anything other than a joke.

  • Just bare knuckle boxed some polish person in the middle of a public park
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 7mo ago 100%

    Any plans of starting a group of like minded individuals that culminates in a plan to reset everyone's credit to zero?


    Got these clippings from a family friends garden last fall and they're really starting to show their power levels.

    memes 7mo ago
    All my god awful hexbear memes
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 7mo ago 100%

    You call these leftist memes? Needs way more text.

  • Yeah you. Stop that.

    news 8mo ago
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 8mo ago 100%

    Yeah that one.

  • news
    news 8mo ago
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 8mo ago 100%

    That's fucking grim. There was some political cartoon posted here a day or two ago of food interspersed with bombs, guess it all has the potential to kill you.

  • Apartment Hunting.png
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 8mo ago 100%

    I found a Craigslist ad several years back where they stated that they liked to jack it in the living room watching porn on the big TV and sometimes left cum rags laying around. Apparently this had caused tension with previous roommates so he felt inclined to mention this was something you needed to be ok with.

  • more liberal bullshit on lemmy dot world
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 8mo ago 0%

    The worst part about all this guilt tripping is that 2/3 of the country don't live in states where their vote even matters. When I was still on reddit-logo there was someone telling me that despite living in a Dem stronghold I had to still vote for Brandon because what if Trump rigged the election but if everyone voted hard enough it would be harder for him to throw out ballots or something.

  • I love capitalism
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 8mo ago 0%

    The article she cowrote with her husband is extremely funny. Politics is mostly an aesthetic for her.

    I have always loved to talk to Tories because leftists — including myself — scream so much. Andrew says it is a sexual fetish that exposes me as a Tory in denial. I suppose that is possible, but I think it is more likely that I need conflict to feel calm; and, if I cannot shout at people in print, shouting at them — at him — is as good. We almost came to blows over homelessness last month. This aside, I find his conservatism exotic. I love the other detritus of his Toryism; it has a theme-park quality to it. Before I married I had never eaten a home-baked cake, read a parish magazine or shared a pillow with a dog.

    We were a red/blue house until Jeremy Corbyn appeared, then we became a yellow/blue house. I am distraught about Labour’s fall into Jew-hatred, but I do not hate Corbyn quite enough to vote Tory. I will not give him the power to make me maim myself. I think about it, and I fantasise about it, but I know I will not be able to do it on the day.

    Instead I campaign for the Liberal Democrats, a party I broadly agree with — although I think we should leave the EU, since we voted to, which makes me a pretty weird Liberal Democrat — and hope that it pushes politics somewhere in the direction I would like it to go.

  • I love capitalism
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 8mo ago 0%

    Thank you this is hilarious.

    No one is sure who said it first – they are hardly fighting over it. Dickens used it, but he died before Twitter, and I am happy for him.

    And I can’t really think of a better modern example of dehumanisation than comparing your fellow voter to a pig because you don’t like his politics. For saying this, I will be called a Tory and worse. I’m not. I’m Labour. Compute that, comrades.

    Her husband is a Tory. Amazing, no notes.

  • New Update. Now it's China funding anti-genocide protesters in the US.
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 9mo ago 100%

    Blue MAGA just considers her a girl boss who does golf claps while sitting behind Trump.

  • New Update. Now it's China funding anti-genocide protesters in the US.
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 9mo ago 100%

    Dunno about you all but I got fat stacks of Xi bucks and rubles.

  • What is Biden running on?
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 9mo ago 100%

    Issues? We're running on vibes here Jack, and those vibes are not being orange man. biden-troll

  • Dr. Brobotnik and he just a nice guy
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 9mo ago 100%

    Instead of turning the wildlife into robots he throws them all into the hangout and chill machine.

  • Smile because A large Sum of Money is Coming to you Right Now. Type "Money"
  • Aryuproudomenowdaddy Aryuproudomenowdaddy 9mo ago 100%

    Smile because your grandparents are close to death and it's the only way you may conceivably escape renter hell.
